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Everything posted by meatloaf

  1. So sorry to hear that OT, glad to hear not giving up the fight, thinking of you.
  2. Got to agree Slice, got my first bike at 16, no training what so ever, didn't have a clue how to ride, had a rough idea about cluch etc, so just got on and gave it a go. Fuck knows how I stayed alive that first week but I did but there were many that didn't last very long. CBT may be lacking in many ways but it's more than I had way back when and remember CBT = compulsory BASIC training. At least riders are not allowed on roads totally clueless like I was when I first started riding.
  3. Perhaps the captain should try this on his bike the next time it wont start https://youtu.be/78b67l_yxUc
  4. Yes happens a lot, but they live and learn or the don't. not a lot you can do about it i'm afraid.
  5. meatloaf

    Shit Happens

    I'm not usually accident prone but earlier in the week while helping my eldest with some diy I did two things that have kept me off my bike during the really nice riding weather we have had. First while collecting some aqua panel from our local diy store one of the sheets slipped and landed on my foot, nothing broken but some very bad bruising that had me hobiling along like cripple and there was no way I could get my bike boots on, then that evening while shutting the tail gate on my van I got distracted by someone just at the wrong moment and managed to smash my head with the door again nothing broken by a nasty gash and some more bruising, by the time I can put my helmet on without ripping off that big ugly scab the nice weather will have gone and it will be pissing with rain again. As I said shit happens BUT WHY ME!!
  6. Thanks Tasky just seen the video must remember that in case there is a next time.
  7. I remember years ago after riding about 25 miles to work on a really cold winters day I desperately needed a piss but my hands were that cold I couldn't get my gloves off let alone get my toger out.
  8. there are a few of us on here that started riding before 71 ,but unluckily I couldn't afford a 250 so had to make do with a 125 but looking back I think that was probably a good thing as I survived long enough to get a bit of road sense before I went for a bigger bike.
  9. Shit man that sucks, dropped my bike last year when my foot slipped on some gravel and once that big lump started to fall there was no way I could stop her, luckily there was no serious damage only my pride but I was seriously pissed off at the time. Hope the polish and elbow grease sorts her out.
  10. Sorry guys I think your all wrong, he is not a bell end or a knob he is a fucking wanker.
  11. Now that sounds like a plan
  12. Talking to a guy today that has a much older 125 version,has room under the seat for all his camping gear that he takes when he rides all over Europe clocking up many thousands of miles every year, swears by it and wouldn't change it for the world.
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