Everything posted by georgen
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
bearing replacement
Did it used to have separate ball bearings top and bottom, if so are new new taper ones the correct upgrade for your bike, I only ask this as taper bearings are larger in height than ball bearings, I have just done this to my DTR where the bottom was a taper and the top was balls, and although I used a different larger yolk so got an adaptor made to take up the extra distance and hold the new top taper, I dont think I would of got a taper in the top for the original yolks. pictures could help us out to see whats happened, close ups of bottom, top and bearing races if possible. PS Tommy posted whilst i was typing
First Vlog
LOL do we know yet ?
hi i have just join your club
Hi everyone,
Hi Everyone, New Member
hi (again) from derbyshire
Hi everyone
Hi From Oldie in South Wales UK
First Vlog
That makes more sense than mine Andrew
First Vlog
I assumed wrongly or correctly as a Video Log, No doubt someone will tell me
First Vlog
I got to the school but not really my thing, you seem to repeat yourself a bit, may be if you planned it a bit more and thought of a dialog before you set off you would relax a bit and not repeat, good luck with your hobby and your test but you need some lessons as you would never pass test riding like that and would hate to see you come a cropper with a car in the rain, plus point you would have it on cam for the lads on here, stay safe.
The Leviathan Project (DT125RE)
sounds more crisp Calum,
To Hone or Not to Hone, That is the Question
I am pretty sure those bores have not being honed within the last 5 months, honing de-polishes and puts very small and very fine cross hatching marks in the bores to allow the new rings to wear into the shape of the bore and have a true contact point as there never completely true, I also agree with earlier comment about the amount of carbon and in that short time would not have that lip buildup at top of bores. If as you say rings end gap is well within spec I would be tempted to run a hone tool through those bores to clean them up, you can buy them off ebay cheap enough.
The Leviathan Project (DT125RE)
Top job Calum, hope it runs Only pulling your leg mate sure it will be sweet as.
Another bike on the horizon
Nice clean bike, will be great winter hack to save your husky from the winter crap on the roads, on the retro thing I disagree, think it looks futuristic as in a power ranger would not look out of place on it, full white leathers and helmet, Pictures please
1994 dtr125 winter project
Fitted the new top bearing cup and the new taper bearing 320/28 then trial fitted the forks, the bottom bearing from the yz forks are not compatible with the dtr bottom race, the bottom taper bearing if it was complete for the yz is 52mm od, 30mm id and 16mm high. the Dtr bottom race is 55mm od and since the dtr bottom bearing was completely shot I didn't bother removing to check id. so now will order a new taper bearing for the bottom, 55mm od, 30mm id, 16 high so thats going to be a 32006 bearing. Picked up the new bottom taper bearing and carried on where i left off, this time the forks went on no bother, forgot to take my camera so will have to update pics later
WTF, someone skinned my YOC forum!!!
No half measures mind, Gold hot pants a must
Back to work
Well got to work at 5:25 to find front gates being cut through, 4 full large propane bottles gone, a damaged roller shutter a the heavy duty trailer gone and the security cameras pointing to the sky, the cheeky beggars had even stripped a large amount of steel work off the trailer as it was converted to carry window frames, the base was a plant trailer. So apart from being the first day back for manufacturing I had to sort this little lot out too, police were on time, they made an appointment to come between 8 and 9 o'clock at arrived at 08:15, appointments pff whats the world coming to.
WTF, someone skinned my YOC forum!!!
Mine stuffed up too, started yesterday, other forums fine
Picked the bike up today
Looking good DT, have fun and its a nice day too, win win.
Happy New Year Everyone
Happy new year, I am still feeling rough now, getting too old for all night drinking
Project 86 FZ600 - "Black Yamba"
I would use timeserts opposed to helicoils, helicoils are not very strong and can lock up on the thread, after just looking up Keenserts they look very similar to timeserts so this is the direction I would go. what is on the inside of the striped hole, it looks very light grey and is it just the angle of the pic or is the hole off centre slightly?. keep up the good work and good luck with it.
1994 dtr125 winter project
Well forks arrived today, also decided on a blue frame so just got to crack on and get it done now.
Really frustrated at running engine in
Pay someone to change it