please sign this foks keep a killer behind bars
9506 I think if some one kills some one the family of the victim should be aloud to do what they want anything from fu** him in the ass to tourchure him I no I bloody would An that amount of time is pathetic my old school friend got 5 years for shop lifting this country is messed up
Bloody rozers
I no thinking of puting the dt up for sale and getting a pocket rocket see if they like that we use to have a farmer who let us on his land if we payed him and stuck to his tracks and sined a disclaimer saying I we hurt our selfs he is not liable but police made him stop letting everyone on his farm as a few yobs started takeing stolen bikes there
Bloody rozers
Got a bloody section 59 yesterday for doing a professional photography session on a unused beach on my motorbike (fully road legal). Just wondering if any one knows of any one I can write to with a petition to get some legal land for us to ride on as there is no where for over 20 miles. I no I prob won't get any where but I'm fed up with it police thinking they rule everything and are bigger than me they do not even no how to issue a section 59 I had to tell them how to do it they wanted to take the bike straight away but I told them if they want to do that they got to catch me but if they give me a section 59 I'll cooperate I'm not a little chav on a battered old motorbike but most green lanes are gone now so not really any where to ride off road. The officer even said when he was younger he was aloud to go most places with any battered bike. Sorry for the long moan but fed up with it
Car head lights on back roads
Hahahaha lovely sounds like a kooshty plan so much shit on the roads at the mo im having to clean the dt every day it's disgusting
Car head lights on back roads
Hahahaha lovely sounds like a kooshty plan so much shit on the roads at the mo im having to clean the dt every day it's disgusting
Car head lights on back roads
Just don't let nerves get the better of u as I did first ever time I come off and guess what come off again cos I was worrying to much and haha fucking insurance company's
Possible to pick up a DT 125 FOR £900?
I payed 1000 for a 1996 model looked okay condition panels a bit scuffed but engine was very clean and started straight up took her for a test ride no probs rode my jerney home on the bike about 30 miles then 5 miles from my house the left hand crank seal went leaveing me To push it for 5 miles be carefull what you buy wait a while save some money and buy a good one wish I did when it happend
Car head lights on back roads
Wicked have you been back on a bike since? As I know a few people who have been a bit worried of Geting back on to a bike after they have had a accident I've had few crashes but motox crashes so nothing to major best thing I found to do is jump straight bak on it when possible and take it easy for a bit
Car head lights on back roads
Ouch not good glad your hear To tell the tale tho
Car head lights on back roads
I think I read about you getting rear ended was it going on to your drive or some thing? If so yes that could be very possible I've nearly knocked a push biker off because I could not see his lights cos of a on coming car luckily I was judging the road by the center line and he was close to the edge of the road
Car head lights on back roads
Na I mean he should have bloody seen me with them I put my full beam on and he carried on coming over
Car head lights on back roads
Sorted the light problem but went for a ride yesterday and some one with those hid lights is obv blind as he swerved on to my side of the road luckily there was a foot path and no one on it most prob on the phone had to change my pants after that fucking idiot
Car head lights on back roads
I allways ride at a safe speed for the conditions wet busy road slow dry empty road fast
Car head lights on back roads
No where safe to pull over And I would be stopping every 2 seconds that could be very dangerous aswell it proberly says in a safe place in the Highway Code
Car head lights on back roads
Cheers for your advice I cut my new lens in to about a quarter ad stuck it in with the clear lens so I can tilt my head when it's a bit bright and it helped a lot and could still see when it was pitch black lovely good tip for any one with mx googles
Dt rich
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