Everything posted by Katie1
XJ6 - average MPG?
If it helps, I used to get 45-50mpg on my XJ6S. The low fuel was a bit random and sometimes came on when there was still 5-6 litres left in the tank. Depends if you park on a slope!
Ah shit, Speeding! :(
Answer 1 - Tool of the largest proportion. Refused point blank to let me get my documents from the car and gave me a producer instead (had to take time off work to find an open police station!). Told me how many points I was getting and wished me a Happy Xmas Answer 2 - I believe the correct response is, 'None for years. Who'd f*ck him?'
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
Too lazy to select one. 11 pages of shit prequels http://www.b3ta.com/challenge/shit-prequels/
Ah shit, Speeding! :(
Unlucky, especially being in a car Although the others are right, it usually doesn't affect insurance (you do need to declare it though!). I had an SP60 for doing 80-90ish in a 70, got the £60 fine and 3 points but no other penalties. Did have the fun of putting in a formal complaint about the copper who issued it though but that was only because he was an obnoxious arse
SCRATCH and SNIFF porn magazines .
Well, I'd like to say I'm too young but that might, just possibly mind, be a little inaccurate. In reality, nope never heard of such a thing but would have been up for it (not, oh, well, never mind) if I'd seen one! Guessing they were a jealously guarded secret by those who preferred not being called a wanker... Anyway, pretty sure that a packet of Skips and some cheesy Wotsits would achieve the full stereoscopic(or whatever) olfactory effect
SCRATCH and SNIFF porn magazines .
Nope. Most girls just assume the opposite when they hear that stuff anyway
SCRATCH and SNIFF porn magazines .
And I hate to say it but they're right about the numbers game. A cousin of mine had a swathe of beautiful exes and I asked him what his secret was. The answer was surprising but made a lot of sense...
SCRATCH and SNIFF porn magazines .
Aww, poppit. You're so sweet and that was almost believable
Hey Bippo, think your box is big!!
Indeed, moving on from such coarseness. Well, there are many places an erect nipple can be placed. Some like them above the box, some below but my preference is for it to be placed at the base. It's in easy reach, I can push it in nicely but it doesn't interfere with the basic business of my box. Does that help you finish? Your understanding of the problem that is...
Hey Bippo, think your box is big!!
Aahhhh, now I see the problem. You need to go North young man. I recommend (for this purpose only) Sunderland or, maybe, even Essex. You might have to compromise a little and swap the cider for a proper manly drink like beer but that should be it.
Hey Bippo, think your box is big!!
What, you think that's a bad thing??
Hey Bippo, think your box is big!!
Fabulously, the answer to that questions is 'yes' :female:
Hey Bippo, think your box is big!!
Maybe we can help by giving you helpful conversation openers? How about, 'So, do you have a big box or do you share someone else's?' That should break the ice nicely Well, it would work for me...
Hey Bippo, think your box is big!!
Pretty sure your rod would fit but wouldn't want you to put your foot in it...
Hey Bippo, think your box is big!!
So, does that leave me with the biggest box on the forum then?
Balls of steel....
Even a box of frogs would be shaking their heads at that...
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
Arrgh, all my links are going weird!
Security for my new bike?
Might have to use that one at a later date...
Truly sorry to hear the news Steffan. Will send thoughts out to all who knew Steven x
ybr 125
Think it came up around the 240kg when fuelled. Doesn't sound horrendous now but I had some very entertaining moments with it, including one time when I got stuck doing a multi-point turn in a narrow road and failed to notice how steep the camber was to the kerb. Spent 20 minutes trying to wheel the bike back 5mm at a time. Release brake, heave backwards, grab brake. Repeat until sweating glowing, snotty (optional) and crying and bike is finally back where you can go forward!!! So Mandy, the message is, don't give up. It all gets better as you go along!
ybr 125
Kind of with the others on this, practice does make it easier. I still struggle even now (i'm tall but skinny) but I can do it. As people are saying, the technique is everything. Once you've got it right a couple of times, you will always be able to do it. Mind you, I only used to put my VFR750 on the centre stand when it it was parallel to the wall as I nearly dropped it a couple of times. In my defence, it was bloody heavy!
Security for my new bike?
Oh come on, who'd be so stupid as to try and ride off with the disc lock on??
Do you Love Cheese ??? (NWS ?)
Not at all Getting some really strange flashbacks though...
House to keep your bike dry in France?
Woohoo! Did I mention that the garage is big enough for many bikes?