Everything posted by Katie1
Father Jack vs Katie Hopkins
So, that makes three of us that just found it funny then?
Father Jack vs Katie Hopkins
Stupid car drivers
Ouch! It's always crap when things like that happen but I'm glad you're not too hurt. Did you manage to recover the bike ok? Might be worth checking with your local council to see if they have any cctv covering the roundabout? Unlikely but worth a go. You might even get the registration of the car so you can send some friends round to discuss his driving manners
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
First ride in 41 years....
Welcome in and welcome back
I just guess where I'm going, is that wrong?
In the next life, please let me be able to do that!
MT-09 Tracer,,,
What, you mean a dealer being a wanker? Surely not?? Think they offered me less than a grand for my clean, low mileage Mille as a trade-in. I told him not to be so silly...
MT-09 Tracer,,,
Nah, too bland. Riding a Benelli TreK and it knocks the socks off Triumph when it comes to fun And just in case the old nonsense starts (usually from people who've never seen a Benelli), it's very reliable too
MT-09 Tracer,,,
It doesn't look bad, but if we're talking 3 cylinders, I'm holding out for this one: http://youtu.be/DLiThY8drMU
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
That's a lie!
hi all
Welcome Naomi! A £100 bike and you even got the duct taped seat thrown in. Can feel a bout of nostalgia kicking
Helmet dryer
Last time I washed my lid, I took the interiors out to do it. No tumble dryer so it still took days to dry. For me, the cost of this thing (if it works!) is worth the lack of aggravation but I realise not everyone's not as lazy as me
Helmet dryer
Never seems to work for me? Have tried the fan, the open air, the 'wedging the hairdryer' and the stretched out in direct sunlight techniques and it always takes 3 flippin' days to dry properly! Maybe I'm using the wrong water?
Helmet dryer
Hi Folks Just found this on MCN's website. http://igg.me/at/motogroom/x A new start-up company is seeking funding for a helmet dryer and it looks really useful. Drying time after a full wash is 3 hours (as opposed to 3 days whenever I do it!) so I reckon it's worth £39 to get it going? Oh, and get a dryer as well, obviously!
Am I doing the right thing?
No But don't let that stop you now
Lock picking.
So, where is it you live exactly?
Lock picking.
I really am the worst person to give that advice to...
Lock picking.
The power of suggestion is a funny thing. Have never been interested in this subject but now have a terrible feeling that my life won't be complete without a set of these! http://www.walkerlocksmiths.co.uk/cylinder-picks-tools/pick-sets?product_id=227 On reflection, thinking how many padlock keys I've accidently given away when selling a bike (forget to take them off the keyring), it might not be such a bad idea...
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
My hero!
Online petition - Please take some time to read.
Makes sense to me. Signed
New to biking just bought a 125TZR
Welcome home
absolute theiving gits! (NSFW, Colourful language)
How about electrifying the handles? I know you will be told off for it but at least you will have the knowledge that you managed to really hurt the thieving gits before you do
1970's motorcycle riding film
We enjoyed watching that! Amazing (or not) how relevant most of that still is after 40 years. Probably more useful than a lot of information currently out...
Warranty Issue??
Got to say that I'm a bit surprised that a 125 is behaving that sensitively to fuel The only thing I can think is that, if you had been using the same petrol station, they haven't been keeping their fuel tanks clean. Keep an eye out on the local paper to see if anyone else has made complaints about it!