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Everything posted by Calum122

  1. Looks very nice there. Drilled and grooved discs? I know that's the classic look but...
  2. Calum122 replied to mudcow007's post in a topic in Projects
    Wow, that's a project for sure.
  3. Are you really asking that question. I'd say it's pretty self explanitory! On or Off switch and you're asking why it only switches on and off???
  4. Very nice. Have you decided to do the work yourself? I wouldn't rebore it unless it needs it. It's hard to tell but you may get away with just a hone. Unless there is scoring a hone ought to be fine. Best thing to do is to take it to a specialist and get them to have a look. I had a barrel that had been nicked thrashed for miles and miles. Done about 15K on the engine as a whole and all it wanted was a hone.
  5. Calum122 replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in Projects
    I do like the single sided swing arm look.
  6. Have you double checked you've got it wired in correctly. Surely it should be, on all the time, switch over to high beam. Maybe you have it setup so it's off all the time, low beam.
  7. It's only necessary if you have switches for indicators since they will fail if the switch doesn't operate. No switch no problem.
  8. Aye but those ones are not ally frame. I hate to see that after a few rainy days
  9. That looks nice. But poor bike looks like the frame wants a respray Those wheels suit the bike!
  10. Calum122 replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in Projects
    Better off with the Vtec VFR800 no?
  11. JTsprockets.co.uk are VERY good. OR Aracing on eBay are very helpful if you message them they'll help. JT has an online catalogue with lots of info on there
  12. Damn those wheels are nice. That front wheel is dying for a 320mm Galfer Wavy disc Those wheels look real nice though,
  13. Well put it this way. If the piston has been seized for twenty years there really is not much more damage you can do. It'll need a rebuild and a rebore/replate regardless. I think you're under selling yourself. You've stripped that bike beautifully and an engine is no more harder. Work through it at a slow methodical pace and you'll be fine Have a little faith. Looks good so far though
  14. Well said
  15. Calum122 replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    Finished now. Just wants a little fine tuning
  16. Calum122 replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    Here is a video of me first firing up the bike. It's done about 300 miles now. Won't be long before I get a GoPro up so you guys can see the difference between Stock and 4DL. Should be interesting....
  17. Easy enough to do but well worth while doing right.
  18. Calum122 replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in Projects
    Lol DT that's harsh but funny all the same. I like Hondas myself. I fancy a VFR 400
  19. Most of the work you can do yourself no? Bearings and stripping it down. Then send the crank off to be rebuilt. Then put it all together. If laid out nicely it shouldn't be too much trouble. And could save you £££ in the long run. Money that could go to better uses
  20. Calum122 replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    Aww no I didn't. Sorry. I'll remember when it's time for a rebore in like 6 months time. I haven't needed to change any settings on my ignition so far but will do that when the underslung goes on. The seller gave me some ignition maps with it.
  21. Calum122 replied to DirtyDT's post in a topic in Projects
    Very interesting project. Something of this age...gotta be worth a fortune if restored.
  22. Calum122 replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    Engine transplant successful. There were quite a few issues I had. But it all seems to be legit. Difference in carbs: It took me about a week to do this properly: I've needed to swap out the fly wheel Generator The 4DL inlet had no chance of fitting. So needed to bore out the old DT inlet to compensate for the new blue printed 32mm VHSA Currently running a RAM air filter instead of air box. For jetting purposes this is just a simpler method. When swapping over the generator I encountered my first problem. Torqued the genny up only to have the crankshaft completely lock up. I double checked the wrench, then the book. Nope Set up correctly but the crankshaft is seized. Sugar. Stripped it off. Had a look for damage. Nothing. All looked good. Checked the wrench. Then the book. Then refitted the fly wheel. Was fine. Not sure what happened there. If anyone knows feel free to let me know. I then had complete and utter total electrical failure. This left me scratching my head since everything was working perfectly prior to the engine swap. I rode home on it Friday. Well apparently the ignition switch connecting block managed to completely disintegrate. Without me even touching that as part of the engine conversion. So bullet crimps was the only way to have this fixed. She fired into life off the starter motor. She is a quiet one compared to the DT engine. Wtf? Lol. Sorted the tickover and had her idling nicely. I decided to let my brother take it up the road (in case it seized lol). Naturally it's smoking loads and this is hindering performance by quite a factor. He suggested that I push him and then he'd put it in gear. Yeah did that....nothing happened. Clutch wasn't engaging. Great crack. Never had this problem before. Scratching my head again. Stripped the clutch cases back down and had another look. Sure to be sure with your own eyes you could see that the clutch is not engaging. No doubt about it. Stripped it to pieces and put it back together and tried again. And I finally understand what you guys mean. The gearbox is sooooo smooth. It really is lovely. It just needs Powervalve sorting. Cosmetics doing and running in. I took a video of it first starting will upload it soon. I've ridden it for a few weeks now. It's okay. It's no where near as torquey or as fast as the Aprilia, which I know some people have claimed! It's not slow by any means. But I'd say maybe no faster than a 170 Athena. But it really is early days yet. There are still a few things left for me to do. I want to sort out the underslung and jet it properly and, of course, run her in. I'm just happy it's started. I've already started my next DTR engine build. I'm going down a similar route but this time I'm just swapping out the gearbox for a TZR 4DL gearbox. And I'm going to use a nikasil barrel and have it aggressively ported. I'm going to see if Mick can put in Auxillary exhaust ports like on the TZR SP barrel. Haven't phoned him yet. And I'm going to take my time. Remove all the casting flaws that were found in the 4DL engine that I didn't bother with last time. And dremel the crank case to a polish.
  23. Wow that looks like an awesome project! Could have so much fun working on that. Do a few modest improvements like HID's and new flat slide carbs, replace those discs with some drilled and grooved discs, etc just to bring it to this decade. However if originality is what you're after then don't. Does look like it wants some loving though haha! Not sure I'd want to use that two stroke lmao.
  24. Calum122 replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Projects
    What am absolute beaut
  25. Calum122 replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in Projects
    To tell you the truth. They're simple enough to replace!