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Everything posted by lallasro

  1. if she is happy to have a day with her sister, ask she to pay your trip
  2. ok, is not a video is a trailer for a movie but.. WOW!!! I read this book 20 years ago and was one of the best books I ever read. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikDNXJpKlWw#t=10
  3. and the clutch, don`t forget about the clutch
  4. wrong, they will give you some money
  5. finally we get a bolt? welcome to the forum
  6. guys, if you going together, let me know, if I can come, maybe I come to meet you in the way
  7. sound interesting, I will try to make a one day trip here
  8. well, one day CBT, you already know how is... 4 h conversion from 125cc to 600cc (minimum)... the instructor will decide if you need more. you will not need. and in the day when you go for test, you will ride the bike to test destination and back. this is all but I guess you don`t need more this is what I do.
  9. ..or you can buy a bike with 5000 pounds?
  10. ) I have a siemens HD, is not so good like sony or gopro but have all kind of waterproof, dust, ice, water, shok... and you don`t need a case for this. also you can fit the camera in any position (this is why I make videos with my handlebars ) the price for camera was over 300 pounds when she come on the market but because the sound and image quality is not so goos like sony or go pro, now the price is.. 120 pounds but if you really want a good camera, gopro (350 pounds) or sony (200 pounds) this is my camera
  11. yeap, this year in april-may. excepting the CBT, is passed in august 2012
  12. 90-120 CBT 40 theory test 150-160 the conversion from 125 to 600cc 150-160 mod 1 150-160 mod 2 total= 580-640 the prices include the bike rent and instructor you fail? another 150-160
  13. dragstars don`t kill anyone. the owners kill them and the dragstars. lot of people try to ride cruisers like sport bikes. well, is not a sport bike, a cruiser is heavier, longer, another riding position, another cornering technique, breaking is different, and probably a lot more, I have just those in my mind now. + a lot of cruiser owners ride just few miles during the year. no xp, they enter in corners with the same or high speed they use in a car, bang bang, bye dragy,
  14. the brake pedal look ok )) hi adrian, welcome to the forum
  15. is your elvis plate fault )
  16. I hope you wife don`t read the forum or bye bye SR and upgrade and anythibg )
  17. you can have a dragstar 650 for less than 2000 pounds fully tuned or a virago 525 for less than 1000 pounds. you need just to search
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