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Everything posted by lallasro

  1. so, is a communist biological attack on the UK and Canada is the delivery boy.
  2. at least, you have something they can read, I don`t need a tinfoil.
  3. i`m not sure about this but I think you can lose the guarantee if you don`t have the stamp with the services done during the guarantee period. and NO, they don`t change just the oil. they check almost everything. and don`t be lazy. forcing a new bike is like raping a virgin. she will pay all life for this. do you really want rape your virgin? ) a new engine have lot of shit inside, is not perfect. to be perfect he need time.
  4. lol katie, is about movie translating from english in romanian. Irina nistor is a movie translator, she translate 99% of video movies before romanian revolution in 1989. the translation of all those words from english in romanian are censored and sound f funny and away, faraway from the real means. is hard to explain
  5. no, you don`t need to spend 300 pounds, because you can push your bike to start it. I do this (just curiosity) with my 280 kg bike, so i`m sure you can do this with your 150 kg bike anyway, maybe just you to have this luck to get a starter motor broken )
  6. Merry Christmas to all! and happy new year. and there is 2 carols from my country ( I hope carol is the right word for this )
  7. look where is your oil level I don`t know about what part you speak, but you can look what is your oil level and check (visual) if this is up or down to cover you want remove.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mT3vfSQePcs#t=94
  9. ok, we wait for you to tell us tommy win again )
  10. STEAM CONSOLE will sell like every year in December, entire collections with 66-75% off. so, this is the time to get some nice old games I don`t like mass effect. I have all but I just don`t enjoy this game. now I restart playing crysis 3 (ORIGIN CONSOLE) in 3D (f awesome in 3d on my 47" screen)... yesterday I play cossacks 2, 3 days ago, starcraft2 and before this heroes3... yeap, i still play heroes 3 ) skyrim... hmm, I have first 6 (STEAM CONSOLE) (don`t know is is more than 6) but still never have the chance to play any of them. another have I really enjoyed was enemy unknown, a turn based strategy but with a totally new concept about turn based strategy. when I buy it, I was shocked ) 3 days I do nothing else, just playing XCOM enemy unknown ). you can download the demo on STEAM CONSOLE. I wait for assassin creed 4 to come out, (ubisoft, UPLAY console) ...and... just this for now
  11. hi and welcome do you see guys? we have just girls with SR on this forum =))
  12. I told you you will be ready for the first snow
  13. ) not so easy, I have 2 girls, 9 months and 2 years old. and nobody to stay with my girls. when i`m at work, my wife is with kids, when she is at work, i stay with kids. we have nobody here to help us
  14. you make me looking for a jacket with no pockets lol, I never saw one
  15. lallasro

    Binned it.

    this cruise control is a killer, if you want a cruise control, buy this your cruise control have no security system. my cruise control have 3 security sistems. anyway, you don`t need a cruise control on your bike I guess you don`t ride all day on motorway to need one. glad to hear you are ok.
  16. I can never leave my home area more than 7-8 h... and this just Saturday and Tuesday if is not so far and I can make the run in 6-7 h, i`m in for a day run
  17. look like the cursed XT hit again
  18. tell me when you are ready, I will come to see betty at work
  19. ....or the device he use have problems with this forum I use Hein Gericke gears and i`m very happy with them. last time I buy a jacket RTP 240 pounds with just 100 pounds. somebody say they has problems and I guess they sell the stock at low price. ex: http://www.hein-gericke.co.uk/clothing/motorcyle-clothing/hein-gericke-vista-sheltexr-jacke-neongelb.html
  20. you also are not so far from squires
  21. hi and welcome I hear that viragos are some beast in comparation with midnight stars. some people will say you downgrade from a 535 virago to 1300 star
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