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Everything posted by lallasro

  1. lallasro

    snow white

    damn I missed that one )
  2. yesterday I was for a trip on peak district and when I come back I leave the bike on the drive way. that was at 7 PM... at 11 PM I go to park the bike in garage and surprise... the handlebars was in not correct position.. also a footprint on the seat... the f morons was trying to broke the imobilizer and bend the handlebars risers.. and that was between 9-10 PM I think. the alarm don`t was full armed so I don`t hear anything but I guess they give up after several attempts. i`m going today on my mechanic to see if is anything else broken, I hope the handlebars are ok.
  3. ) sound like my style.
  4. I guess that was in US, I don`t think in US are to many aprilia or ducati
  5. goldwing... ok not goldwing, a FJ 1200 I think is the best option.
  6. nice to see you guys, cya tomorrow at 13:00 for the ride out.
  7. lol. bring the f standard tires for your bike, don`t listen on those racers ))
  8. I use something like this. not sure if you need this one, your battery is 6V? I recommend you to fit it on the ignition, not directly to the battery.
  9. I don`t know what those numbers mean but I know the tyres are not regular tyres. if you give your mechanic exactly what I post you can`t go wrong. personally I don`t know anything about avon tyres. I prefer to stay with dunlop because those are recommended by yamaha for our bike model... dunlop and bridgestone was tested by Yamaha on this model.
  10. I use dunlop, change it already 2 times, someting like 11.000-12.000 miles with a pair. you don`t need to buy them online, go to a service (eventually on this service where you do your MOT and they can order and fit them for you, this is the way I chose. I use this for rear 170/70B16 Dunlop K555 and this for front 130/70-18M/C 63H D404F
  11. guys, if you need any camping stuffs, just let me know, I will not camp so my camping things are available. @grouch.. so, you will be busy 24/24 the entire weekend and no chance to come 20 miles to squire? you sound like a politician lol
  12. I have mounted a BARON lower kit on my bike, in 3 stages (standard, 1", 2") ... don`t remember how much I pay but under 50 pounds delivered from US. I think using a lower kit is better than macking holes in your frame.
  13. to post pics, you need to upload the photos on photobucket or another host site and copy-paste the link here. about meetings, don`t worry, girls are very well welcomed . we have the annual meeting on 7-9 sept at squire cafe bar if this is not so far from you and you want come and meet some of us
  14. hi and welcome L plates don`t make you retard, you will be ok, and if anyone you will meet will think L plates can be a barrier between you and experienced riders, you really don`t have to stay and speak with this kind of people. I can`t help you with meeting location in your area but i`m sure somebody here will do this bippo is a nice girl and I think she start like you with an YBR 125 about riding, keep your eyes on the idiots on the road and don`t try send SMSs when you riding ) don`t forget to post some pics with the bike and you
  15. lallasro


    and the only dinosaur that still live those days and you can find them anywhere at every workplace? kissalotoanus
  16. the idea... ok.. the idea is good JUST in some circumstances... what happening if you drop your helmet? everything inside ( the electronics, and display probabbly will be ok... but the helmet can be damaged and you have to change this... so... if you really want those toys, the better idea is the other version that you fit on any helmet you have (outside mounted, like a handsfree). I prefer to have my 450 pounds GPS, my 370 pounds helmet, my 150 pounds scala raider intercom , my 50 pounds scan rider mirror, my 0 pounds crap phone, and my 80 pounds custom mirrors... all those toys cost over 1000 pounds but is doing more and better than this piece of shit art is doing. I think a display in front of my eyes will not be a pleasure... maybe will make me feel like robocop + I think any over 300 pounds helmet are better than this helmet, so, why I want to wear a crap helmet just for some toys inside of this?
  17. not so much, something like 650-700 pounds. a shubert is 450 just the helmet.
  18. was the floorboards hitting the ground here, drewpy. anyway this don`t was the most scary moment ) the most scaring moment was when a retard coming from opposite side, was starting overtaking a car with 1 mile before the place I was, but when he pass me he was still in the parallel line with the other car, of course on my road side... I had 80m/h when he start the overtaking and when he pass me, I had under 10 m/h, with no place to go in the right side because was a 1m depth channel ... and the f idiots, both of them, pass me with over 100 m/h I think. I guess the other idiot accelerate and don`t leave him to overtake but freak, when you see that, you start using your f brakes, don`t go to kill the biker in front of you. this is the major problem in Romania, most of the people drive ok, make you feel safe, and BOOM.. you find a retard like this and game is over. and you have big chances to find one like this. BUT, like always, if you ride like you are invisible, you will survive ) in UK is not the case, because most are bad drivers, and never make you feel safe so you are concentrate all the time on the road ) bad drivers but a lot more civilized and not so retarded like some romanian drivers. when I enter in romania, I was forced to wait 2,5 h because was an accident with a bus... a car start overtake the bus, the bus driver accelerate and don`t leave the car to overtake, the car was forced to push the bus in the channel to avoid the collision with the car was coming from opposite side and this is how you ruin some lives because you are a f idiot bus driver.
  19. @ bippo, in germany and austria I chose the camping sites, in romania both, camping sites or "pensiune" .. something like inn`s in UK, or bed and breakfast. one night at pensiune in romania is something like 15-25 euro depending of the region and rank. this is in germany, on the river Rhine https://www.dropbox.com/s/2k6kqn1cx0wjv7v/2014-07-10%2012.59.47.jpg https://www.dropbox.com/s/jy3a86pfpvythof/2014-07-10%2014.13.24.jpg this is in austria, somewhere... lol https://www.dropbox.com/s/8t7x26s97vmret2/2014-07-12%2005.57.43.jpg and my neighbours in austria: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wdvxoh76w3cmwao/2014-07-12%2006.05.44.jpg and this is in romania: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g6otnoxhgqkt4nq/2014-07-15%2020.22.54.jpg
  20. lallasro


    search on google, you will find some online shops, other than ebay
  21. lallasro


    those was shops dirty for service manuals, like ebay, amazon and any other online shop nothing illegal. and the owner manual is for free for everyone, no copyright needed.
  22. lallasro


    Edit by DDT: Links removed.
  23. I don`t think load pipes save any life, at high speed you will not be heard unless you pass them. at low speed I don`t think you can die and also you can avoid a lot easier the accident.. well, in most cases. also most of the accidents are happening because of both implicated... I think is about over 80% but I can be wrong because I read this long, long time ago. is sound nice when you start the engine but on a long trip can be annoying... for me will be for sure. can be good on filtering but revs a bit my bike standard equipped is enough to make stationary or low speed traffic to hear me. I also think the load pipes will make the police looking after you... and some bike hatters. and those can cause you some discomfort in traffic. you can annoying also normal traffic users but you will be the kids nr1 attraction on the road. at least, is just about what you feel. if you like load, put load, but helping you in any way? no.
  24. maybe he just like the tank design? I don`t know how this tank was looking but I know the dragstar tanks are ugly. and this can be a good reason. another reason can be because he need a tank and this was cheaper or he can`t find a dragstar tank. you complicate to much the things ))
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