Everything posted by twincle
Rear end twitches
My xj6 was the same, crapp3ed myself a few times but yamaha put it down to rear tyre worn to wear indicators
guy trys to steal my keys
try here: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=678417502215018&set=vb.540565346000235&type=2&theater
Why triumphs are like that
it made me giggle
Why triumphs are like that
XJ6 - average MPG?
when it gets to one bar, it then starts to flash when it hits reserve - well it does on mine a 2013 model
XJ6 - average MPG?
I let mine go right down, even had it flashing with 20 miles on the reserve odometer
Even better than face cream IMHO
I wonder, if after she's churned a few jumpers out, will the 'monthly' versions be special edition or vintage?
Even better than face cream IMHO
it s the bit where it gets harder to kinit when she's menstruating
Even better than face cream IMHO
DHL this time :(
Probably, but whats not clear there is the biker is filtering past a long queue of slow moving traffic, hence being 'over' - it genuinely was impatience from Mr DHL - but no-one was hjurt so all good in the end
DHL this time :(
Security for my new bike?
- wheeeeee!
- wheeeeee!
- Aw bummer
You need minerals if your gonna give it large - oh and mates wholl help out :D
If you havent got billy big balls, dont get out pretending you have I didnt pay much attention as to why it ended up in a bit of classic road rage but pmsl at the chav
Wolverine Cat
What do I do next?
mine with a tail tidy:
please sign this foks keep a killer behind bars
Signed has to be said, if you want to kill someone, run em down in your car and say sorry - friend of our was killed cycling, man drove off but caught next day and went to prison for ..... 12 months
free for with a 'general' sense of direction, its too over populated to do anything else i never saw any evidence of it but the cops took a £2 fine off me for not having my license on me at 03:00h whilst drunk as a skunk riding a moped
WTF, someone skinned my YOC forum!!!
mines the same with no notable changes to pc, its also the same in both i.e. and firefox?
Back wheel locks up
Well that shows how much i know about bikes: Yamaha took it for a quick spin and diagnosed .......... brakes are fine but I had a worn tyre My uneducated eye looked at tyres and saw loads a tread on outer sides and didn't really noticed the centre
Crashed today - all ok
Lol apparently its called a 'spill' and ive been warned to expect a few more
Crashed today - all ok
Yep feeling a bit stiff today in the shoulder but no real pain. Drivings a bit jittery on corners today, which is to be expected I supposed, but I'll settle again. It doesn't help i put a new rear tyre on today and its been piddling down, so I've been extra careful
- Noobie!