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Everything posted by Nick-Bikesure

  1. Its not a case of it increases if you carry a passenger, that would be the standard rate, it does in some cases give a discount if you don't carry a passenger, but only if you specifically state that you won't. I guess the reason for this is that in the event of any accident, the personal injury claim would be less. But its not the case that you are penalised for carrying a passenger.
  2. A garage clause only applies if you are within 500 metres of youe home address. So if you are staying at a friends, as long as they don't live with 500 metres of your garage, you can leave it in the middle of the road with a hi-viz jacket on if you so wish.
  3. You wouldn't be covered to carry one if you've not declared it on your insurance.
  4. Nothing specific, just mention that you're a member on here. You can ask for me, I'm here all day!
  5. Yeah something doesn't sound right there! I can give you a quote if you like?
  6. We get a lot of enquiries for bigger bikes restricted to 125.....Insurance wise, its not gonna happen I'm afraid.
  7. We are currently offering you the chance to win a track day with Carl Fogarty....... We had 75 of these days up for grabs........ All you have to do is get a quote from us between now and the 31st of July. Thats it. You'll be automatically entered into the draw. The date for the track day is Sept 4th and its at Caldwell Park. You will need to use your own bike and have a full, valid licence, with no restrictions. GOOD LUCK. PM if you'd like me to call you. Cheers Lee
  8. Hi, We can indeed offer modern and classic multi bikes and we could add all your bikes to one policy. We definitely would not reject the XS400!! If you PM a contact number, I can give you a call? Thanks Lee
  9. Morning, Does it have a reg plate? If yes, it will need to be insured.
  10. I don't see why not..........only one way to find out! PM me a number if you like and I'll see what I can do?
  11. Good Morning, Firstly, yes we do offer multi-bike policies, in fact multi bike policies are an area of insurance that is working very well so the rates have gone against the trend and come down. We offer modern multi, classic multi and modern classic multi. With regard to classic multi's they can come with recovery, both UK and European or just UK. We also have a classic multi scheme with 0 excess. spare parts are also covered for upto £500 worth of theft cover in the garage. We can insure on frame numbers, and in some cases there is no time limit that the bike needs to be registered in. Agreed Value is also offered on both classic and modern schemes, and in some cases is automatically agreed on classics of a value of £2500 and under. We also have specialist modified schemes as well, this includes modified classics. Hope this answers everything, any further questions, give me a shout. Cheers Lee
  12. Hi, Feel free to PM me details and i'll see if there is anything I can do for you. Lee
  13. Hi, After a delay in getting on, I will now be on here almost every day to see if I can help any members, if you want me to give a call about the insurance, feel free to PM me details as we offer discounted rates for forum members. Cheers Lee
  14. Hello, Firstly, sorry for the delay in getting on here, we have now sorted the techincal glitches! My name is Lee and I'll be here to monitor the forum from now on. I've worked for Bikesure Insurance Services for several years now. In that time I've been employed within the Bikesure quotation department and have assisted many club and forum members obtain competitive cover. I will be taking a more active role in the forum and hope to be on here every day, if not every other day, to answer any questions or enquiries you may have. So if any members on here have any general insurance queries, I'll be more than happy to try and help. Any advice will be totally impartial. If you would like a quotation from us, I will have someone call you with our best rate. Hopefully the best you'll get! As always, feel free to PM me or post on here with any questions, you know where I am. Lee
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