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Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan

  1. 2 nuns in a car when Dracula jumps on their bonnet "quick, show him your cross" "get off my fucking car you bastard"
  2. 2 nuns on a bike on a pebble road - "I've never come this way before" 2 nuns in the bath "where's the soap" "yes it does"
  3. Certainly more philosophical than my simple love of rock and roll!
  4. Fuck no - the climate has been changing up and and down for the last 150 million years at least. Although industry attributes approx 1% to warming (of which only 5% is down to transport).
  5. At the risk of sounding serious are you diabetic?
  6. Also, didnt want to offend anyone by saying getting old as I am still 3 years off 40!!!!
  7. He'll no! Time is only just starting to speed up. Although the other day my 8 yr old asked "what's that?" When I got my LP vinyls out to play!
  8. Was the Matrix really nearly 14 years ago?? Is it me or does time go quicker as you mature?
  9. Is that the Magnificents' cousin, or a Flash Gordon reference?
  10. Polo walks into a pub Not serving you - you're menthol Set of jump leads walk into a pub Not serving you - you're going to start something Policeman walks into a pub Not serving you - you're looking for trouble
  11. I went to the zoo yesterday - wasn't impressed, it only had one dog. It was a Schitzu!
  12. Just pondering - what has made everyone choose their avatar name? Some are obvious (DDT and mine!) but why some of the others?
  13. So the chicken and the egg were in bed, having a post coital cigarette. The chicken states "well that answers that question then"!
  14. That's a bit unfair - women can use their mind in extraordinary ways. My wife for example has an amazing ability to do this thing called 'multi tasking'. She is able to cook a full Sunday roast with everything ready at the right time, prepare and act on a list of chores that HAVE to be done that morning (list includes dusting, polishing, vacuuming, washing up, using the washing machine etc., although obviously not in that order because she says not) and all whilst moaning that the 'fucking fairies' have gone on strike!!
  15. Shit - no wonder everybody keeps flashing me!
  16. Lol! Nothing so glamorous just trying to sell bathrooms! Though I do often break into song, much to the gratitude of my colleagues!!
  17. Watch the film 'Hop' as you'll see they are wizards on the drums!
  18. 1) probably walks 2) probably not 3) you're in Scotland aren't you?! 3) global warming is causing the ice caps to melt, forcing colder waters southward, hence crappy, extreme weather fronts .... Actually I'll stick with my first answer!
  19. Sorry bud the wife said yes to start with but it's a double celebration/party for the in laws wedding anniversary and her nans 85th birthday. Bugge really, cos I just completed about 90 miles today on B roads and loved the shit out of it!
  20. Cool - I'll check the calendar (and she who must be obeyed!) and get back to you
  21. If I end up going we could perhaps meet up near Chesterfield - if you don't mind going 50!
  22. I'm near Duxford - about 5 mins from the IWM. If going by cage I'd use the M11 then A14 and then up the A1
  23. Lol! Don't care. Taught me discipline! Besides I remember completing a 50 mile hike around Swanton Morley once, 1 checkpoint before the end and a load of hard arse regiment types were nursing their poorly blisters!! Never went to Benson though - helicopters were never my thing!
  24. Given me am idea how to get the missus interested in biking!! ;p
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