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Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan

  1. And that wascally wabbit as Home Secwetawy!
  2. Which is quite similar to the likelihood of up yours getting my number.......
  3. So......... how much do you pay for your medication?????!
  4. Of course! And speedy Gonzales as secwetawy of twansport!
  5. I know I'm fairly new here, but who is Daffy?
  6. Still working out if that would be a wise thing to do..... I'll keep you posted once I've figured out the quantum physic theorem in another thread!
  7. That's an interesting point and I'm glad you brought it up! At that speed you would probably cause catastrophic damage to the rear of your head and would not even leave. Which means you would not hit yourself, so you would leave and then hit yourself which would mean you couldn't leave and so would not hit yourself causing the said catastrophic damage which in turn would mean that you would leave and hit yourself.......... Unless you left at a slight angle, so as not to hit yourself. Shit would you then keep seeing yourself running around and hitting yourself and not leaving and not hitting yourself and Stop the ride I want to get off!!!!!!!
  8. Damn that's good - I only ever manage to turn it into piss and awkward photos!!!
  9. Or bump into myself and end up with double concussion
  10. Got to mix the med's when you can!! I'll never live life as nature intended cos I have a small willy!!
  11. If you could travel faster than the speed of light and went around the world, would you see yourself leave?
  12. DDT - webbed feet? Have you never been to the Fens??? Obrien - completely agree. Very clear evidence of evolution, no evidence of miracle cures, walking on water, water into wine, feeding 5000, moon landings, if nothing is there to hear it, does a falling tree make sound?.......
  13. If I recall correctly, pagan beliefs bring preadamite theories. Where Cain took a wife (and a city?) it is suggested that this was a preadamite wife. Which also suggests evolution as she had Neanderthal features. Given that the bible is only one councils version of the truth (history accounts are normally written by victors in battles etc) it is obviously biased towards the coming of God (1st Testament) and then his life on Earth in mans form (2nd) and only includes accounts which are favourable to one persons theory of how we came to be. ...... Not sure where I was going with this now....... Nurse! More pills please!
  14. Think you'd all lose your health and safety badges!
  15. The way to a mans heart is through his stomach. Unless he is a vegetarian, then it's through his vagina!
  16. Didn't we evolve from the chimpanzee family and not monkeys?
  17. We could take this one step further and say that we all evolved from alien organisms living in meteors/comets etc which carried the water needed to create life when they crashed to the earth. Therefore, we are all aliens to this planet. Just a thought. Ps My medication is better!
  18. Def agree there. The driver needed to be made aware of his error - but if I cut someone up I would automatically hold my hand up and apologise. If I were to be confronted in my car like that with however many bikers there were you got 3 choices - grovel like fuck/talk your way out, run - unlikely to out run or manoeuvre a group of bikers or stand and fight/ take out their means of chasing you/ convince them you're a bad mo fer not to be messed with. All in all everybody over reacted here.
  19. Burger van sounds good or the services at Grantham? Should be no confusion that way and if its peeing down we'd be sure of shelter if we stop for coffee and fuel at same time.
  20. I had a sports coupe with a tow bar once - handled as sporty as a Sherman mind. It was a 480 ES Turbo 2l. Handled even worse when I was towing anything! On second thoughts bring the Kia - I might get a break from people pointing and laughing at my L plates!
  21. Definitely as you can't have road tax without insurance so would not be legal to even keep on the road.
  22. Cool. I'll understand if you change your mind after a few miles!! When I'm not on my bike I drive a 2.2 Primera so I understand the frustration of not driving to the speed limits!! (Hence a day in court and 6 points!)
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