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Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan

  1. Lol - I was angling after a go on your new toy!!
  2. Definitely up for something this new year - even if squires turns into a charity shop lol. Hopefully this year without L plates! Enjoy your bike Thursday fingers crossed the weather will be kind! Btw my mate got himself a RC helicopter for christmas and he's invited me round for a play....... hehe!
  3. Cool! Cheers for that. I saw one on eBay with 4 or 5 less teeth. I'll keep an eye out for front ones with a couple more. That's why I joined this forum. Always someone who knows what they're talking about! Happy New Year y'all
  4. I'm almost ready for sprocket and chain change myself - I only have one more notch left to tighten it all up! I was thinking about changing the rear for one with less teeth - again to increase the top end. Also in flat lands (Essex) Airhead so not too worried about accelerating up too many hills! If you do change the number of teeth I'd be interested in how much difference you notice. Cheers!
  5. Well done mate! Jealous much lol. What more could one man want? A great bike, great gear and to top it all a great lady! Happy new year Numan!
  6. Only 364 days to go and I have no idea what to get the mrs!
  7. Novice thoughts here - wouldn't be something as simple as the wrong heat rated plug or incorrect gap?
  8. You can also buy (I think DeWalt do them) special bits which you use on reverse and they bite into the bolt and (hopefully) unscrew them.
  9. We may not agree on thermo conductivity DT but.... I had the same issues with my little SR when it got warm and that was down to carb set up being too lean. When I stopped she would struggle to tick over and if I turned off she struggled to start again. It turned out I hadn't read how far out to turn the mixture screw.
  10. Hi all Just wanted to say happy Christmas and a merry new year before I am too drunk! Just a quick pic for Kev!
  11. Glad you're ok. I had a near miss myself that morning - luckily nothing coming the other way as I used the whole road to keep upright!
  12. I had a hell of a job finding the right oil when I changed mine not so long back - make sure you get the right one! You can't just use ordinary 4t oil with a wet clutch. Apologies if it sounds like I'm teaching you to suck eggs but a lot of local garages to me don't sell the right type. Do you know when the oil filter was changed?
  13. Just like any 'reality' show the first one or mate two series are entertaining but after that I blame the brainwashed idiots who still watch the crap. I only used to watch the first couple of episodes to see the numpties whose mates thought it a laugh to tell em they can sing!
  14. If its fresh its most likely to be down to something done recently. I accidentally overfilled mine with oil and had some blowing back. I'm no mechanic - see some of my previous posts - but there are a few of us SR owners on here. Hopefully one of them has had the same issues? If it is the rings that have gone I would imagine you have blue exhaust smoke.
  15. Hi Andy and welcome. Where abouts in Essex are you? Cracking little bike the SR. apparently they'll keep going forever! Love mine at least!
  16. Is it fresh oil or does it look like its been there a while? Has your bike been dropped recently?
  17. Hi and welcome! Must say its a very masculine bike for a girl lol Glad you didn't hurt yourself when you jumped off.
  18. Q. Why did Sara fall off the swing? A. Cos she had no arms! 'Knock knock' 'Who's there?' 'Not Sara'
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