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Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan

  1. AndrewElvisFan


    So am I right to assume changing a tubed tyre is similar to doing it on a push bike?
  2. Hi! As intros go that's one of the better ones
  3. Ditto what Obriens said. Also bear in mind that this is a bikers forum - ie if the sun is shining we're probably riding! There is also a project section on here which although I have no means (time or money!) I find very interesting. Why not share what you're doing with loads of pics. If you're struggling with photo bucket there is a help section which should be of use to you. I use Tapatalk cos my phone is quicker than my laptop and uploading pics is instant!
  4. Got to agree with Jimmy here!
  5. Missed my ac on my way home though - took 10 minutes to peel my leathers off!
  6. Given a choice, thunderstorms are not my idea of a leisurely ride!!
  7. Haha! Yeah- I've given her an extra dose of chain oil this morning in preparation! Typical - first weekend off in a month and it's not exactly going to be biking weather!
  8. Didn't know there should be gold detail on the engine! I started taking the rust off my exhaust at the manifold and wrecked the chrome so now got BBQ paint on it! I may give it a clean before Squires Or not!
  9. Looks very clean compared to mine!!
  10. Sorry, can't get to my tools in the shed right now, but looks ok to me. If she runs when blipping, says to me it's the air screw. I could be wrong, but mine was showing similar symptoms before I got the screw right. When you bump start it, you're already taking it off idle the minute the engine starts. How old is your SR and how many miles has it done?
  11. When you bump her and have her going, does she rev ok? I've been assuming that when warm she doesn't idle but ok when running along?
  12. That looks very sooty as if there's too much fuel in the mix. Have you tried running her without the air filter in place?
  13. Have you tried putting a small amount of fuel in the plug hole before using the button?
  14. The only way I can get to it without removing is with a quarter inch socket driver bit and a pair of pliers!
  15. The mixture screw underneath May need quarter either way
  16. Have you tried adjusting this screw? I think it's the idle??
  17. Same here - just got a new phone and took me couple of days to pit the right one in!
  18. From memory I think it's 1 and a half turns out
  19. Yeah we get a few one hit wonders and people who only come on here when they need help!
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