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Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan

  1. Lol! I found the sheep to be very tame - they have gotten use to the locals quite well!
  2. Hi Ian! What bike have you got? (Using my phone so I can't see!)
  3. Great pics mate - brought back loads of good memories! I'd definitely be up for a meet up there sometime next year! Love the area - had loads of family hols there before I could see over a steering wheel!
  4. Just had this come up on FB
  5. What an excellent intro! I hope I'll be as active in 37 years time! I'm only on a 125 and although it would be nice to have a few more horses, it is good to see the countryside as you go by at slower speeds!
  6. It'd be great to see some footage - last time I was up there was with my dad who is no longer with us. Enjoy your ride mate.
  7. Only just seen them - didnt spot the date!! Still a great idea.
  8. Never been there on a bike, but across the moors to Hole of Horcum is a nice drive in a car!
  9. What a brilliant idea! Just after you posted this I went out to the local garage (only 5 miles up the road) and when I got home my back light had gone!! Gonna get some optic cable off eBay and sort it!! Cheers for sharing
  10. That's ok. I can take my punishment like a man! In fact I'll volunteer to take Foamys discipline as well, just because I feel sorry for him with the amount of shit he's taking on the chin!
  11. Ok. Glad that's cleared up!
  12. AndrewElvisFan

    Shit Day

    Bloody hell mate - fingers crossed for you both
  13. Looks mighty fine! Think I may be a little short for her though!
  14. So would I collide with myself???
  15. You keep talking about her! Is she still about?? Got to see the pics!
  16. There are other forums?????? I've covered the fridge light query in depth somewhere on here, but I'm afraid I wasn't 100% sober and can't remember where!!
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