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Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan

  1. Fingers crossed, I'll be allowed on m ways by then, if not I will hook a sat nav up and stop at every steak house so I don't have to eat the sausages!!
  2. Me too - I was quite apprehensive about stripping mine down til I got inside it and saw just how simple it really can be! Now runs as sweet as (With a bit of help from the guys on here who've been there, done it etc!)
  3. I fitted one to my SR125 with no problem. You'll need an inline fuse to cope with whatever you are running and probably best to run the live from a wire from the ignition so it's not permanently live. I fitted mine nearly a year ago using mainly to charge my phone but pretty much use it as I would the one in the car and had no issues. I have seen them overheat but I suspect faulty wiring/earthing to be at fault.
  4. Time to test Ttaskmasters aim me thinks!
  5. Yeah - a LCD visor with a light sensor. With an led spotlight on to blind the mf who doesn't know how to dip his lights!
  6. Yesterday morning was a nightmare - it was foggy so everyone had fogs on, inside was misting even with the visor cracked open and the fog was freezing up on the outside so I had to keep stopping to scrape it off! TBH I was just glad to be back on the bike and slowed down when I couldn't see! Another couple of months and we'll all be moaning about sweating lol
  7. I improved my SR125 light with a 40/45 bulb. Not as good as the LED you've got though. What wattage LED have you got? I assume its a Cree LED?
  8. It can be advantageous also to have different interests lol
  9. Fingers crossed I'll be getting wet on mine tomorrow!
  10. Been a bit damp around Cambridge, but sun out and no rain. Pity the battery was on charge for most of it!
  11. Charger, front brake pads, front tyre, air filter, then battery! All on my list for the next couple of months. Thanks again!
  12. Too right - can't afford to keep offering to buy drinks for everyone; I'm part Scottish!!
  13. Battery fully charged now! My mates charger is one of the 5in1 jobs that checks the battery as well and all is good! All cells are fine so no need for a new battery Just need to get a charger come pay day now! Half hour run on the way home and she is running better than ever. Can't help thinking it may have been the battery all along, not that it's done any harm to clean the carb if course and its something else I'm no longer wary of. I actually found it a lot easier than the little strimmer carbs I used to work on! Thank you to everyone who has helped - I owe you all a drink wherever we end up meeting!
  14. Haha! Battery is on charge now! I'll keep you posted.
  15. Started first time from the car battery. Got a mate with a multimeter - nipping round there now!
  16. No just a finger. Showing bone, nothing a drop of superglue hasn't solved!
  17. My battery still in-situ, only using car as jump. Plug is wet. Battery water levels are ok. Just taking a break while I clean up some blood - don't ask!!
  18. Sorry - tci? Do you mean don't take the jump leads off when she starts?
  19. Gonna try hooking up to car battery and see what happens - when I've had a coffee!! Although spark is now really good since getting a new one.
  20. I can see clearly through pilot jet hole after cleaning it so battery it is then. It did lose most of its charge over the last few days but still hard to start. I'm going to give it a run tomorrow for an hour and then check with a multimeter to make sure all cells are good.
  21. Nice bikes! After the hassle I'm having with mine right now when I get rid if the L plates a 2 stroker might just be on the cards. I prefer the yellow BUT red would look great with the gold alloys!
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