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Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan

  1. Touché! Tht I'd pt a cpl deliber8 1's in at ya innit lol
  2. Would've thought a biker would have a thicker skin than that! Had have been me I'd have corrected all your punctuation and typo's lol
  3. Hi Ronnie and welcome! We are a friendly bunch really lol
  4. Have fun Tommy! Looking forward to pics!
  5. I had a similar issue with my SR - it turned out to be the float. You may get more responses if you post an intro here and workshop question in the workshop section!
  6. I'm no mechanic, only got my own '94 SR experiences. I've got something similar happening to me at the moment and I've sourced it to the stop switch earlier today. Tomorrow I'll be taking it off and cleaning what I assume is going to be rust inside in the hope to solve it.
  7. Plastic degrades over time - several aspects. Sunlight, rain, heat, cold. Acrylic has 'memory' which means every time it flexes it tries to return to its original shape. Just look at an old bath panel or washing machine and you will probably see hairline cracks at the corners. If it has been dropped, the polystyrene could easily have been compressed already and offer no protection for your skull. In short don't use it for anything more than fancy dress!
  8. I've got a bit of a mismatch - leather trousers, which even after water just below the engine recently have kept me dry and a goretex jacket. I used dubbing on the leather to keep it watertight but you do sweat in summer. Small price to pay for the feel of leather though hehe
  9. Can't copy on tapatalk, Please put me down for 4 with date etc. in a svelte medium lol
  10. Ok I'll be the construction worker - you can have the truncheon!!
  11. Can I be the policeman with the big truncheon please?
  12. You can buy iron on print paper from the likes of PC world. Won't last for ever but will do the job economically. Probably limited to white or light colour tshirts rather than black though
  13. Hmmmm - If you need to borrow some knee pads I'll bring mine up with me for you lol
  14. ^^^^^ what he said! I had exactly the same issue on my '94 SR last year. Remove the cable at clutch end and it should move freely. I now have a cable oiler. If you look at one of my old threads there is a link of where to get one.
  15. Or used for its slipstream!
  16. Great pics and what's great day too. Unfortunately I spent just over 4 hours in the cage but there will be more opportunities!
  17. AndrewElvisFan


    My front tyre wears more than the rear too - I put it down to braking and not releasing the raw power so as not to do burn outs!
  18. No - it's beans on toast this week after a new battery and chain!
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