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Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan

  1. Even at 50 the right bends can be just as exciting. As Noise said don't ride in the gutter - 60mph is the max speed on single carriageway not minimum. Assuming you have tax you have paid for your half of the road - use it! (I'm also on L plates til I can afford not to be!)
  2. I often find the right angle / lens can make anything look bigger than it is!
  3. Liking Tommys mock up - wonder how much extra for 2 tone shirts?
  4. Mine has been on a permanent diet - can't remember the last time I had a decent bit of steak!!
  5. I'm so sorry - don't see it on Tapatalk! Removing foot from mouth now!
  6. I have a very nice 18 yo Glenfiddich calling right now. I think we'd all agree nothing goes down quite as smooth as an 18 yr old
  7. No ribbing from me either. There are sections created to make it easier for using. Not exactly astro physics!
  8. If its the tuning forks that were copyright could it be 'cartooned' up?
  9. That damn spell checker - you've spelt slap and clip wrong!!
  10. Lol! I suppose my little bike would get lost with such a large box anyway. Wouldn't want you having inconveniences for ending your contract early!!!
  11. Great pics - living down here no scenery like that
  12. So Bippo if your box isn't being used, is it up for sale?
  13. I had a brief ride out on Sunday to my nearest Aldis - about 15 miles away. Got some socks and went back home. Slight detour - wife not over impressed 3 hours later when I got home!! Lovely sunny day though - not quite sure why she was so vexed as I did buy her a steam cleaner from tesco's later on lol
  14. Really looking forward to Squires now - mounting plate, spacious boxes and nice sleek rear ends........... I'd stick up a pic of mine but its cold outside right now a the 'L' plates are embarrassing!
  15. I think we were all waiting for the right person to bring it up!
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