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Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan

  1. I got up early this morning and hid loads of chocolate eggs for my boys to find! Had a great day though and not back to work til Thursday so should get some miles on before then!!
  2. Same here...... just as well really!
  3. Other than riding - any plans?
  4. Hi. You should find one on eBay but make sure it's for your year. Around 97 the front brake moved over to the left of the wheel. There's a few of us on here with SR's so do yourself an intro in the new members section to let us know a bit about you and your bike etc and I'm sure you'll find lots of help.
  5. Think that should be don't do anything he WOULD do
  6. Happy birthday y'all. Congrats on getting your bus pass Mike!
  7. What sort of pillow? Do you mind what it's filled with?????
  8. Yes from me too! If tshirts be the food of love.....
  9. Can't help there - I'm 5'7, 32" waist and if I wear shorts my legs get mistaken for loose threads! Even saying that I struggle to get the leather trousers inside my boots. What bike do you ride?
  10. Indeed - excellent weather compared to previous winters. Only had 3 or 4 mornings when the roads were a little slippy. Re kit - there were a couple of days I slipped the elvis onesie on under the leathers!
  11. Lol. Reminds me of the time I went to say "I like to snatch kisses"
  12. I might just make one up especially for you!
  13. I almost volunteered just before lalassro did. Soooo relieved he beat me to it!!
  14. Didnt last as long as the original but the end result was the same!
  15. Try this http://youtu.be/fri0crsK7hY
  16. Just thinking - should we start work on Squires 2015 t-shirts????
  17. Full Metal Jacket. Possibly one of the best Vietnam films I've seen.
  18. Hi and welcome! Love your avatar - great film.
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