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Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan

  1. AndrewElvisFan

    New toy!

    I'm liking the lights too - not sure how it will look with travel bags/boxes though
  2. AndrewElvisFan

    New toy!

    On a serious note if ever you want a free cuppa on your way back (not at 4 in the morning) I'm right next to Duxford IWM
  3. AndrewElvisFan

    New toy!

    .... and it IS naked - my favourite model
  4. AndrewElvisFan

    New toy!

    Johnny 5 was cool!!!
  5. AndrewElvisFan

    New toy!

    Do you still have the Tiger or will be seeing this at Squires?
  6. I use this for my boots, gloves and trousers. Seems to work ok. They also do a spray for textile jackets but I haven't used it yet.
  7. Looks great on the ad - is that the stuff that only lasted a week?
  8. AndrewElvisFan

    New toy!

    Love the lines on it. Looks proper mean
  9. '93 - '94 F reg Honda City Express '07-'13 Piaggio Zip (50) '13- present SR125 And after reading Katie's list I remember having a Puch Maxi and a couple of us had a black 250 Suzi..... used in a very similar fashion in some back fields around '91 ish
  10. It does say not suitable for clothing
  11. Possibly one of the best threads on here!
  12. Probably 60-70. If you search for top speed on here there is quite an extensive feed on 'how to go faster'
  13. Try a teaspoon of petrol straight in the plug hole
  14. Yeah if we start planning now, we'll be ready to make a date sometime in 2016!!
  15. As easy as it would be to keep the tone in the gutter, out of respect for the institution of marriage I shall say thank you, but would never forgive myself if I damaged your bike
  16. Sorry mike - I have no experience on proper bikes! Love the look of Tigers and other adventure types though
  17. I reckon if I spend a couple of hours sorting out a fallen plum tree in the garden, then cut the lawn and offer the wife a massage I'll be allowed out to play under this sky today!!!
  18. Sorry! Just felt I had to get in before Foams woke up! V. interesting read and committed to memory for when the kids leave home.
  19. When I had a Piaggio ped I had a similar issue and turned out to be the rectifier. Cost was such I got rid and bought a 125!
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