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Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan

  1. Hi and welcome! I'm just up the road from near walden.
  2. Turns out that some local builders keep going through the main cable near the exchange. Tossers!
  3. I'm still here - just working a few extra hours when I can and suffering the loss of btinternet in between!
  4. Hi Combat. Just seen this. If you still need the dimensions, I can measure my SR tomorrow when I have daylight, if you still need them.
  5. Pity you're so far from me - we may have been able to come to a deal. I have a front wheel from a 97 SR which I don't need (I have 2 '94 SR's and the disc is on the right!) my fixer upper has a damaged right panel and my daily ride had the panel nicked a couple of weeks ago!
  6. Looking very nice! It rained yesterday so, (following the philosophy of one of the mods on here) mine got a wash and some fresh chain lube!
  7. http://www.theguardian.com/books/booksblog/2014/nov/12/stephen-fry-narrates-foul-mouthed-paean-to-childrens-dinnertime-video Perhaps a little over the top with the language, but I defy any parent to deny feeling like this at least once in the first 6 years!
  8. Do you need the right panel btw?
  9. Not so sure I'll be able to lend a hand - still learning! Loving the updates. Keep em coming!
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