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Everything posted by obriens65

  1. Thanks Airhead. I got a Grandson nine days before this one. Two grandkids in the space of ten days. I'm not even fifty yet.
  2. Looking after your bike: Get a Haynes/Workshop manual. Riding tips: Remember it only goes as fast as you make it go. Take it easy until you get used to the bike and remember that every car driver is out to kill you. And remember to enjoy yourself. Riding is FUN.
  3. Wemoto has it listed as the DPR7EA-9 for the SRX400 http://www.wemoto.com/bikes/yamaha/srx_400_1jljapanese_market/85/picture/spark_plug_ngk/
  4. When they showed it slower that 'looking here' pointer showed someone crouching beside the track. From the amount of wheel tracks in the dirt it looks like it could be a well used bike way and some little shit strung barbed wire across it for giggles.
  5. Say hello in the NEW MEMBERS WELCOME AREA. Then Post questions like this in the WORKSHOP AREA That way you might (probably will) get the help you need.
  6. There were a few spots of rain but nothing much. I even took the opportunity to introduce my Granddaughter to motorbikes I thought three weeks was old enough
  7. Maybe they should emit a signal that blocks all phone signals within a 100 meter radius.
  8. OK, it's this coming Sunday. Who (and what bike) should I look out for
  9. Fairy liquid is still the best degreaser I've ever used
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