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Everything posted by obriens65

  1. Hmmm... Could be a plan. Do you think I could do the 135 miles each way from his house to the museum (Yes I checked to see if it might be possible ) and get back again before they notice?
  2. Barry Sheene Mike 'The Bike' Hailwood Joey Dunlop
  3. I want to go but my brother was inconsiderate enough to turn fifty this coming weekend and I'll be excommunicated by the family if I'm not there.
  4. I don't know... It doesn't matter how many BMW driving w*nkers try to kill me it's still a bit of a shock when an X5 slams his anchors on at the same time as pulling in front of me. Happened on the way back from London on Sunday. Makes the heart beat a bit faster
  5. The most energy efficient way of washing your bike is... don't. If the day's nice enough to wash your bike it's nice enough to ride it
  6. Took these at the VJMC day at the Ace Sunday 1.9.13
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