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Everything posted by obriens65

  1. The scary thing is these people are allowed to procreate.
  2. If you're only 9 months into a 24 month contract, take it back to the shop. It should still be under warrantee.
  3. I have a metal poppy badge always pinned to my bike jacket.
  4. The bit that plays (played many moons ago) rhythm in a band.
  5. As a bit of a guitarist myself I admire their talent while at the same time I hate them from the heart of my bottom
  6. Gone but his music lives on. RIP Lou.
  7. obriens65

    The Storm

    Woke up to find my bike on it's side (it live on the drive cos there's nowhere else to put it). Thankfully nothing major. Will cost me a brake lever, grips, mirror bar clamp and that's about all. More annoying than anything.
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