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Everything posted by obriens65

  1. That's what happens when you let your concentration drift.
  2. obriens65

    Then and Now

    I bow to your greater knowledge oh learned one
  3. obriens65

    Then and Now

    Another possibility could be the International model 30 from around the same time.
  4. obriens65

    Then and Now

    It could be a Dominator Circa 1957/58 Any idea when the pics were taken
  5. Try asking that question again. Only put it in the WORKSHOP section rather than the NEW MEMBERS section. You might get some helpful advice.
  6. I don't have a car to use (or a license to drive one). It's the bike or walk whatever the weather's doing.
  7. I'm suitably impressed. Seen something like this before in a film, I think it was Sorcerer's Apprentice.
  8. I know a few Fingerlicking Scrotum Suckers
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