1970 AT1-B
Thanks folks, I'm really enjoying doing this rebuild. Soz blackhat, I couldnt make the rallys this year (long story involving redundancy ect) but all sorted now so hopfully back on track for next years
1970 AT1-B
Hi all, appoligies for the long delay in updating but sadly work keeps getting in the way! After getting the age related reg sorted I decided to crack on and sort out the front end. First job was to strip the forks and get the Stanchions re chromed. When the Stanchions came back I began the rebuilding. With the front end complete I turned my attention to the paint Thats as far as Ive got but now waiting for some cables and need to sort out the tank badges. Time for a glass of red I think!
1970 AT1-B
Yes, me to. I thought that any bike imported before 15 April 2013 did not need to be on the NOVA register and could be processed with the old C&E 386 (this may still be the case) but confusingly I had read somewhere else that the DVLA would no longer accept C&E 386 as proof so I decided to ring the HMRC Clearence Hub who were very helpfull and told me to send the 386 to them and they then sent me confirmation that all duties were paid and gave the bike a NOVA reference which seemed to please the local DVLA office.... I'm not sure but I think you can get a NOVA reference online, but might be for trade only
1970 AT1-B
Finally managed to get the A.T. registered with an age related plate so thought Id share my experience for anyone about to do the same. I've never been through this process before and mix in the 'NOVA' changes,I wasnt looking forward to it one bit First thing was to send off for the free info pack from the DVLA it gives some good help and advice on how to fill in the relavent V55 form (also included in the pack) Next off was to get a dating letter to verify the age and model details. (easy bit) Then, due to the 'NOVA' changes, I had to send my original C&E 386 to HMRC who then sent me a letter confirming that all the import tax had been paid and giving the bike a NOVA reference that the DVLA needed to proceed So now all I had to do was provide an MOT and an Insurance Certificate (both done on the frame number) and some I.D. oh and the £55 Regisration fee. (age of bike makes it tax exempt tho) So armed with all this I went to my local DVLA and amazingly was back out 20 miniutes later, job done Just need to wait for the paper work to come through and I can get a plate made up. Happy days.....Dave.
1970 AT1-B
And the front ..... Also started to build up the frame and refit the engine. Hopfully be back soon with another update....Dave.
1970 AT1-B
Managed to get a few more jobs done on the old A.T. Seeing as I'd now got all the zinc back, I decided to rebuild the wheels. Started with the rear as its got 3 different spoke types and some off set to deal with. I took loads of pics and made notes before striping the wheels. Just kept going and after a couple of tries ended up with a finished wheel which I then trued up with a dial gauge and the wheel in the swing arm.
1970 AT1-B
Well, its been a while since I last updated but have managed to move things on a little. The Engine is now back together with all new bearings and seals (except for the barrel and head which still need to be cleaned and re painted along with the outer cases) Also managed to get hold of a nos 2nd oversize piston and rings that I will keep on a shelf as spares. The fork stanchions have come back from Philpotts after being re-chromed and look as good as new but the fork lowers and other painted parts (mudguards, tanks ect) are still with the painter so cannot start rebuilding them yet. The Frame and other black parts are at the powder coaters but I hope to be collecting them next week sometime, so in the mean time I sent all the Zinc plated parts off to be recoated along with the rear shock springs for re-chroming, these came back real quick so I started to clean/polish the wheel hubs ready to rebuild the wheels and also refurbed the shocks. Cheers....Dave.
1965 YA-6 125cc project
Watching with great interest well impressed that the lecy start worked. Please keep the pics coming
1970 AT1-B
Got a few more bits sorted, first job was to finish making some replacment carbon brushes by cutting down some larger ones. Ive used two different grades of carbon to see which will perform the best...time will tell Had some luck on fleabay and bagged a Nos points cam (in the UK too) to replace my knackered one Have now finished cleaning and inspecting the cases and gearbox internals and all looks good. Result. So should be able to start rebuilding very soon. Have got all replacment bearings chilling nicely in the freezer (mrs not too pleased though) Cheers...Dave.
1970 AT1-B
Thanks for the tip, will look out for for a second (.5) o/size piston and keep on the shelf till needed. Good advice, thanks
My 77 FS1E-DX (owned for 34 years)
Few more Fizz pics...
1970 AT1-B
Got a few bits done. Crank case Kickstart area has now been welded and just needs a tidy up with the Dremel. Had the Crank rebuilt with new bearings ect and had a chat with the guy regarding options for the rebore. Cant find a first o/s piston so followed his advice managed to sorce a standard piston which I will fit for the mean time until an o/s one turns up. Hes run a reamer through the bore to clean it up as much as poss so will be better than before. Got fed up searching for Generator Brushes so decided to try and make some. Time will tell if any good.
My 77 FS1E-DX (owned for 34 years)
UK_DT, will try and put up some more pics soon mate, Cynic, I rode this fizz every day in all weathers for 3 years (took me that long to pay off the HP lol) back in the day and learnt how to decoke and set points ect too John (blackhat250) cheers mate but will be going to RD rally as its only 5 mins from home for me so if you are around I'll let you buy me a pint!
My 77 FS1E-DX (owned for 34 years)
1970 AT1-B
I am investigating getting it welded first as a proper repair but will bear in mind your "low budget" idea if welding prooves to be a problem. Thanks
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