Everything posted by paulmcl
your other hobbies?
Yeah the subscription is a bit of a joke compared to how other games are going, blizzard make so much money from all the micro transactions such as transfers that there is no reason they shouldn't start looking into the F2P model, especially with a game thats 7-8 years old. Although rumour has that, then when the new secret MMO they are working on gets released that wow would becoming F2P.
your other hobbies?
Atm working through dishonored and prototype 2. For online games BF3 and a big world of warcraft player, been playing that for 7 years so always have some time for that Also looking forward to the new bioshock infinity.
Motorcycle theory test
Gratz m8, well done..
your other hobbies?
Well I have been obsessed by bikes all my life but only recently obtained my full bike licence and first custom cruiser so I guess biking has become my new hobby. But when I'm not biking or playing Disney princesses with my 2 yr old daughter you can normally find me playing my guitar (not very good but its great fun) or gaming online. Been a big online gamer for as long as I can remember.
Email help required
As Campaman as said this will be the issue. When you open outlook on your PC this is downloading the emails from the yahoo servers and removing them. You have to specify that you want these to remain on the servers by setting the option campaman is talking. As this is only recently started happening this setting could have been reset on you by some the the windows updates recently which have also been updating security fixes to outlook.
Any graphic designers here?
I'm not a graphic designer, but I am a senior software engineer for a large IT company and I'm happy to donate some time to helping out with any technical needs of the website, but not sure how useful I would be at creating any banners (not very artistic)
The Adelaide Motorcycle Festival - Northern Ireland
Something interesting for any brothers in Northern Ireland. Never been myself, will by my first year at this event. 8th - 10th Feb - King's Hall Admission £10 / 10 Euros - Adults £5 / 5 Euros - OAP's Children under 14 years go FREE http://www.kingshall.co.uk/event/detail/1ea5aef2-b848-48b6-8e0f-c491dfaf5427
"Upgrade" to Windows 8???
Finally a topic I can contribute to. As a senior software engineer I develop and test software in all different operating systems and configurations. As for upgrading from windows 7 to windows 8 I think it really depends on a) Your setup and what you use your computer for and c) your skills on the computer. Your setup It is true that windows 8 is faster on boot up and loading applications than windows 7, in some cases seeing an increase of near 10%. However this improvement is only really noticeable on standard HDD (Hard drives). When tested against SSD (sold state drives) there was no real noticeable difference for boot time or applications averaging only a 1.5% increase. Your Use If the tiles don't bother you to much and you only really use your PC for checking email and browsing the web, and general use, you will see and feel the benefits in performance. But recent tests have shown that in a graphics heavy environment such as gaming, video editing etc, that windows 8 actually preforms worse than windows 7. Now this is probably due to the infancy of some of the windows 8 drivers and may improve over time, but in that case simply stick with windows 7 and see how things develop. Your skills Windows 8 is confusing to new users. The built-in tutorial are brief, amounting to a few instructions on how to perform some basic actions. If you want to engage snap mode or scroll through apps running in the background, good luck figuring them out without someone holding your hand. Even finding the restart button is a little challenging. It all amounts to a pretty steep learning curve, even for longtime Windows users. So if you would not really class yourself as a savvy windows user then I would stick to windows 7 as there is no point adding in the addition complexity to trying to do the simplest of tasks. Personally I would stick to windows 7. Windows 8 may sound great and it is for tablets, but as a desktop operating system I don't feel the extra performance is worth the hassle having to deal with an operating system that is expecting you to be using a tablet and not a PC.
Hey guys
Yeah, spent a few hours getting all the grit off it when I got home. Its all clean and packed away until the next few weeks, more snow on the way tonight so just happy to have her home.
Cold weather advice
I am glad to say that someone upstairs must be looking out for me... looked out the window this morning and all this snow is gone.. Went and picked it up this afternoon. Such a lovely drive, was nervous to start with, but didn't take long to build the confidence, its a very forgiving bike for beginners. Looking forward to the nicer weather when I can take her out on a big journey.
Hey guys
I am glad to say that someone upstairs must be looking out for me... looked out the window this morning and all this snow is gone.. Went and picked it up this afternoon. Such a lovely drive, was nervous to start with, but didn't take long to build the confidence, its a very forgiving bike for beginners. Looking forward to the nicer weather when I can take her out on a big journey.
Cold weather advice
Yeah Gizmo thanks, I think this is exactly what I'm going to do, and just leave it with them until this snow passes. Even if I had of managed to get it home tomorrow, with the snow warnings over the UK I probably would not get much riding on it, and its probably better sitting in their warm show room rather than my cold shed for the next week. We still haven't seen any snow yet here so just going to wait till tomorrow to see what its like, if there is snow I will leave it with them, if not then I will go get it. Will let you guys know the outcome and get a few pic's up when I get it.
welcome Mitch.
Hey guys
Just introducing myself as I'm new to the forums. I'm Paul, 28 yr old software engineer from Northern Ireland. Loved bikes all my life, but as usual one thing or another popped up either financially or time wise which meant I have only recently managed to get my full bike test on the 28th dec 2012. I'm I big lover of the big custom bike, the XVS range catching my eye instantly. Purchased an XVS 650 last week and picking it up this Saturday, weather permitting (sods law we have snow moving in the day I'm due to pick it up and ride it home). Yamaha club forums really caught my eye as the members seem really helpful and have alot of knowledge, I'm no mechanic but with good direction I would try my hand at anything. Anyway looking forward to starting to get to know some of you better.
Cold weather advice
Thanks.. I'm 28. Got insurance from e-bike for £280 fully comp which seemed reasonable compared to some of the £3k quotes I was getting lol.. Which is a shame as this year I will have a 10 year no claims discount for a car but doesn't seem to carry over on a bike Again guys thanks for all the advice, so excited to get the bike, just worried that I'm going to get caught out in the snow, so far the forecast is only saying sleet/light snow so hoping if I take my time I will be ok The wife is going to follow me in her car so I can take my time without any manic drivers up my arse putting pressure on me.
Cold weather advice
Thanks guys.. Appreciate the advice.
650 Dragstar
Don't know if I'm a bit late to this thread or if the OP has already got sorted. But I live in UK and just bought the dragstar 650. Its 2004 with 12k miles for £2600, comes with all the extra's (pillion passenger seat, sissy bar, saddle bags, and and after market exhaust to give a more aggressive sound). I have also just recently passed my test so got a restrictor kit. The bike was bought from the yamaha dealer and they are charging £200 for the kit and fitting. If you want to do it yourself http://www.fiinternational.com/ is a good site for kits. As for insurance it cost me £280 fully comp with pillion passenger through e-bike insurance but i'm 28 so don't know if the older age factors into the price, could be more for 18-21 yr old. I have never been asked by my insurance company for the restriction certificate but i'm sure if I had an accident they would soon be looking it, better safe than sorry. Hope this helps
Cold weather advice
Hi Guys new to the forums and really looking some advice. I just passed my bike test on the 28th December and have bought my first bike (dragstar 650). Its still with the dealer getting the restriction kit fitted due to the UK laws, but I am due to pick it up on Saturday and typically luck we have some terrible weather moving in. I live in the Northern Ireland so not getting the heavy snow the rest of the UK is being hit with but we are due for some very cold weather and sleet/light snow. I have no other way to get this bike home but drive it but I'm feeling very nervous about it and wondering if there are any experience drivers who could give me some tips for this bike in bad weather in case I hit some rocky moments and panic.