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Everything posted by finnerz89

  1. finnerz89

    S H E D S

    What did you use for insulation? Beer fridge is a must have!
  2. finnerz89

    S H E D S

    This be my shed: (panoramic photo) Planning on insulating the roof and walls soon. Need to make a ramp into it so I can ride the bike in a bit easier. Got a vinyl player and speakers hooked up earlier!
  3. Yeah this is my first summer too, got plenty of nods during the winter. One guy even pulled along side me and gave me directions when I hit a diversion.
  4. I've noticed it happening less now the weather's getting nicer. Must be all these fair weather riders!
  5. Triumph is a good choice! Regularly see a tiger around in my village and have to say it looks and sounds sweet! I like the scrambler and the street triple too. Plus I've been round the factory and it is impressive!
  6. If it's injected then you'll probably need the ecu remapping, putting bigger injectors in probably won't do a great deal
  7. What you thinking then? New reeds and rebuild the top end? Doesn't sound too bad! Paul
  8. Yeah I noticed that, sounds a bit fishy to me!
  9. So as per usual I spent most of my shift at work looking at bikes and stumbled across this! What do you lot think? http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&id=261218290852
  10. finnerz89

    Module 1

    Well done! I'll be booking mine soon!
  11. Hitler's birthday is today, as is my missus. Something going on there I'm sure of it. Her moustache is getting there!
  12. Sounds like rev limiter to me. Same engines as DT, they all stop at 7k rpm
  13. If that works, see if you can spot the difference!
  14. What bike is this Dan? And also have you added the two halogen's or are they standard? If your battery is the correct manufacturer recommended size and your lights are standard, then you need to look at the charging system as they wouldn't supply an inadequate battery on a bike from new. Or just buy a trickle charger and leave that hooked up to the bike when you're not using it. I have an uprated headlamp and only do small journeys (2 miles to work) and have never had any problems. Once the bike is started the charging system on the bike should take over.
  15. I had a similar problem with my bike not last week. Turns out the kill switch was kaput. You need a decent wiring diagram to do some proper tests. I ended up pulling the kill switch apart and shorting out the contacts using a screwdriver. Bike fired up fine so for now soldered the two cables together and just using the key. The kill switch is probably the last component in the circuit before your start button so if your start button has 12v present then start looking at the starter solenoid. When I checked my switches with a meter they all tested fine, that's checking both resistance and voltage. So it may just be worth linking out one at a time to see which is faulty. Intermittent electrical faults are a bitch!
  16. I had the same thing on my DT, thought it was fitted by previous owner, must be factory fitted!
  17. finnerz89

    Save Mallory

    Rode past there yesterday, will fill in later when I'm at computer
  18. I fitted a R&G tail tidy to my DT, about 40 beans on eBay. Looks pretty good!
  19. Well they'll always be handy for blinding wankers with 4 wheels
  20. I wouldn't have thought so, you see plenty of cars with extra spotlights etc. Especially 4x4's. And I've seen plenty of touring bikes with spots on as well. Even if they are is it worth the plod stopping you? As long as they not directed straight at oncoming traffic I can't see a problem
  21. Haha I'm definitely considering the spotlights! Imagine turning up to the Dakar on a 125! Gonna look into mounting them on fairing as well, although I've only just replaced it so don't really fancy drilling holes in it! Can't wait to be rid of mine, fucking thing flaps around all the time lol
  22. Going back to the headlight bulb you mentioned, I put a osram night breaker in mine, no problems what so ever! Guess it varies bike to bike
  23. Ahh I see, I saw the bar mounted ones but they're for 25mm bars mine are only 22! Might investigate some that I could mount lower down, as some mornings I really need something to penetrate the fog!
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