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Everything posted by finnerz89

  1. Sounds like you're still not getting fuel. Have you checked or cleaned the carbs? Is there a way to prime the system, there's sometimes a third position on the fuel tap for this
  2. Cool. I couldn't make that out from what you said before I'll probably do Friday and Saturday night
  3. I'll see if I can make this. What nights are you staying at Squires?
  4. finnerz89

    XJ6 N 2009

    If in doubt get the grinder out
  5. finnerz89

    XJ6 N 2009

    That's a new one on me. I'd just cut the old one off with a grinder and fit new with a rivet link
  6. finnerz89

    XJ6 N 2009

    Meh I've done several now without any issues. As long as you have a decent riveter it shouldn't be a problem. Steer clear of the chinesium ebay specials and you'll be fine.
  7. finnerz89

    XJ6 N 2009

    So you haven't even got a rivet link?
  8. finnerz89

    XJ6 N 2009

    I don't see why you'd need to remove the swingarm to replace the chain
  9. Sounds good. I've heard a lot of track days this year were like moto3 and seen some quite bad accidents so I was a bit worried about the mixed groups. I reckon I'll get an evening booked!
  10. I was thinking of booking an evening next month. What were the groups like?
  11. I'm with bemoto. 3 on one policy with all my NCD and then another one a separate with mirrored no claims. 600 all in I think
  12. Haha I insure 4 bikes no problem
  13. You can only use your NCD on one insurance policy. So if you get a multibike, you use it on how ever many that policy covers. If you had 2 years no claims, and 2 policies, you could use one year on each.
  14. Turn your footpegs upside down and then use axle stands
  15. If you were closer I'd be happy too. There's not much to them in reality, Haynes manual and YouTube and you'll be reet!
  16. I think he'll just have to do his measurements standing on his head. Should be fine then
  17. Standard for m10 is 1.5mm pitch. Looking at that photo I'd say the stud is finer than that. I've just had a look on pro-bolts website. They sell replacement sprocket nuts for the MT09 listed as 1.25mm pitch which is finer than standard. https://www.pro-bolt.com/stainless-steel-sprocket-nut-m10x1-25mm-pack-x6-ss6spn10/ All this guess work aside you could just buy a thread gauge and measure one of the nuts or studs with it. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B071H8GP18/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_4SSRJHRGVNAB76VQ0PHJ
  18. Might still be early days but should we get some dates in the calendar? Any suggestions for location? Kielder would be mine
  19. Well with that username no wonder he's a bit of a Ghost
  20. That TT looks awesome. I kinda like it how it is, bit of a brat style mad max feel to it
  21. There's no out-of-the-box solution for such things. Best to get it on a dyno and have it tuned that way
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