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Everything posted by finnerz89

  1. Sounds like you've dropped on there! Sweeeeet!
  2. Looks good! I only live down the road so that's tempting
  3. Nope not far at all! Do you ever go to the crown at Heather? Quite a nice bikers pub
  4. I'll try and make it to any meets, just need notice to make sure I'm off work. That's a nice looking rd by the way!
  5. finnerz89

    Few upgrades

    Amen to that! Makes your bike faster too haha
  6. That sounds more like it! Looking forward to seeing some pics
  7. CCM 404's are good bikes, suzuki drz400 engine in a lighter frame with a bigger carb, white power suspension and brembo brakes. You can pick them up cheaper than a drz too. Their other models are good too, apparently you have to be careful what year they were made in though, as build quality varied with some changes in ownership. They're based in the UK too!
  8. Yeah that sounds steep, but it's always nice to go back to original setup, especially if you want that sound back!
  9. Those exhausts look sweet! And can recommend the Avon tires, I've got some on my dt and they're just good as the Pirelli's I had before. Nearly bid on an xs last week, what year is yours?
  10. CCM use the same 650 engine for some of their bikes don't they?
  11. That video is brilliant by the way hahaha
  12. Haha took my old man out the bike as well, he told me when we got back, that the last time he rode pillion his arm was in plaster due to getting knocked off his bike. His mate ended up crashing and he broke the same arm in two other places haha. No wonder he was worried!
  13. Looking good numbers wise then! That's crazy cheap insurance!
  14. Have the indicators been swapped for aftermarket ones? If so you may need an uprated flasher relay. I had this problem when I changed my indicators from 10w bulbs to 21w bulbs, the original relay is only capable of switching 40w in total. Hence your indicators work as normal but not as hazards. The relay from an r6 will plug straight in
  15. Sweet! I've been looking at bikes along those lines as a winter hack. My DT is starting to suffer bless it and I want to keep the triumph as shiny as possible. How much did it set you back if you don't mind me asking?
  16. Thought I'd resurrect this thread! Since passing my test in December and getting my new bike just before Christmas I've taken 3 different people out on the bike. Have to say I've thoroughly enjoyed it! And I finally managed to get my missus on the back yesterday, I've been bullying her for a whole about it haha. She was really scared so took her down some friendly roads I know well, stopped at a junction after about 5 miles, asked her if she was ok. Long story short she loved it and had no idea why she was so scared haha, women! Ended up taking her another 20 miles or so and dropping her off to meet some friends. Next step is to get her riding....
  17. Yeah it was properly seen as cutting edge! Lol. That rear rack looks like it was made from recycled ironing boards or something haha.
  18. Looking good mate, pretty retro haha! Should make an ideal winter hack though.
  19. Looking good mate, bet it sounds nice with that end can on?
  20. As with a lot of naked bikes, definitely improves the look of the front end Have you put many miles on her?
  21. That's a nice looking bike! Have fun and ride safe
  22. Ermm one's 2 years older? Hehe
  23. You really have inherited the curse!
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