Everything posted by davie6711
Does this look suspicious?
If any members need an experian check done I can do this at my work free.......I don't know if i'm allowed to put my email address on here so if one of the moderators read this please let me know. I work in a showroom so it will take me two seconds to do...
opinions needed on overtrousers...
Are the waterproofs still holding up so to speak? Where did you buy them from as they sound like a good buy?
Help In Bournemouth
If it were me I would try and put it back to original. If you're going to the extent of replacing the loom you'll get a good working knowledge of your own bike. As far as the rear sub-frame is concerned it may be a simple case of looking for a trashed frame and getting the missing part welded back on but be guided by the more expert guys than me on this. Good luck with it anyway
stopped smoking
Hey you're doing great! I've tried laods of times to stop, the best being 9 months. Champix did help to be fair and the side effect I had were weird but vivid dreams. I now have ciggies, expensive leccy fag and a nicorrette inhalator in an effort to at least cut down. It comes down to willpower and a real desire to stop which by the sounds of it you have. If you're tempted try and think what you've gone through so far and how bad you'd feel if you did really have one. Maybe a packet of Polo mints would also help. No, not by lighting the end! Have one every time you're really struggling. Anyways, keep up the good work and as you can see there are plenty of good people on here helping you along the path.
Spring Adventure on a 125
As above. I went to Cornwall years ago and it is indeed stunning and the wether should be ok too not to mention the girls. Only thing I can add to the previous posts would be take a couple of spare bulbs. Great choice mate and as the lady said take loads of pics!
Ive heard of supply and demand, but this is taking the p***!
Aha! Cheers mate
Foamy is going "insert location" for a week
Hey Guys, It doesen't ALWAYS rain! I mean take today for example. It was fuck*n freezin instead. So there!!!!!
Paul Smeeton's BitzForBikes
Thanks up yours!
Ive heard of supply and demand, but this is taking the p***!
Cheers mate....... Would I really look that stupid if I asked you what a PM was? If so then yes, I know what a PM is!
Ive heard of supply and demand, but this is taking the p***!
Could I have a quote for this? Will blackhat see this or do I need to contact them direct? Thanks for info...
Ive heard of supply and demand, but this is taking the p***!
On another note what do you think of item number 200875925040? I don't mean to hijack this thread but whilst we were on the subject......I need a rear tyre and as I mentioned before the carbs on my bike are supposedly from an XJ900 it might be worth my while. The only problem is Milton Keynes to Scotland.... Any thoughts?
Ive heard of supply and demand, but this is taking the p***!
Foamy, Thanks for the heads up.......some of the parts did look quite expensive. OK you could argue that these are rare components but that also equals limited market does it not?
how many chinese 125's on ebay??
I agree. Just now they seem to be really poorly built but give them time and who knows what they'll come up with. How MUCH time they need now there is a question!
Ive heard of supply and demand, but this is taking the p***!
Foamy, I was on eBay and there's a seller by the name of twowheelspares who had a few bits from an XJ650 turbo for sale. Maybe he's worth a shout??
Paul Smeeton's BitzForBikes
Hey Mate, As far as I am aware this company have a good reputation and, as the man said, you agreed with his T & C's. How then can you have an argument? What is it you actually want them to do? Come to the good ol US of A and fix your bike? I may be wrong to reply being new to this forum but is this not a private matter between you and the company and for you to come on hear and swear and badmouth them is out of order. Suck my ass and fuc*k you, you spineless little weasel? Tut tut.... If you have a genuine grievance then you should put it across in a reasonable manner and invite comment. Is this not what forums are for? Anyway if I want to read stuff like that I don't need to come on here to do that
Foamy is going "insert location" for a week
Hey Foamy, In my humble opinion you need go no further than the West Coast of Scotland. We have some of the most wonderful roads...that is after Glasgow right enough. Go up past Loch Lomond, up over the "rest and be thankful" and keep going. To quote Billy Connolly, "there's no bugger there!" The only downside is rain. Quite a lot of it to be honest. There are very few speed cameras too. Look on Google Maps and trace a rout North of Loch Lomond going towards Inveraray then Oban and I doubt you'll see much better. Let me know if you need more specific ideas
- Success
your other hobbies?
Hi All, My hobbies include smoking, drinking whisky, reading and playing the guitar aside from the bikes that is..... That CAD is awesome as is skiing. The latter i tried once and ended up in Perth Royal for the day!
stopped smoking
Hey go for it... I was/am in 2 packets a day which is £13 a day! Nightmare...wish I had your willpower
Vehicle: Yamaha XJ750 (1986)
Name: Yamaha XJ750 (1986) Date Added: 06 January 2013 - 09:33 PM Owner: davie6711 Short Description: Jap import XJ750 View Vehicle
Hiya everyone I am new!
You learn something every day! I had never seen one of these in the UK before but I love the styling
Hiya everyone I am new!
Got it now...I feel so........professional!!!
Hiya everyone I am new!
Do you guys see what I see? I couldn't see how to write anything but hey, who cares!
Hiya everyone I am new!
Hiya everyone I am new!
Yee Ha! Thanks