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Everything posted by davie6711

  1. Hey, Airhead, you are right. I'll do it right. Decision made! The best advice yet is what you said. I will know it's not right and that will bug me. Progress report when ready. Davie
  2. Hey All, Sad lack of progress as of now due to overwork! I had a quick ten minute fart about yesterday and thought before I remove the carbs again why not try and see if she'll start. Not started in 6 years. I turned the fuel tap on which filled up the carbs and again started pishing everywhere and put on the booster pack. There's no big finale here btw but she tried and tried and then backfired a couple of times but sadly no. Nearly but no. Can you spray easystart on to cone filters? The GPz is at another site in Helensburgh where I just happen to be working tomorrow so if it's quiet i'll remove the carbs again but it would be nice to see her running again to further bolster my resolve and enthusiasm. The more I think about it while the carbs will be off and knowing that one of the diaphragms is damaged it may be best to replace them. Do you need to replace them all? One of them had a 1cm tear right at the edge but when I put them back together I managed to catch the torn edges together by tightening the top in to the tear so do I need to replace them? As always all of your input is appreciated. Davie.
  3. Hey, I was seventeen driving a 125 super dream. Typical learner bike, NO maintenance nothing, The chain and sprockets were so fucked that i was going to work one morning in Greenock when approaching the bullring roundabout the chain came of, wrapped itself round the sprocket/wheel and I went flying over the bars for what seemed like a 100 yards or so and ended up scraping my face up the tarmac. It was so embarrassing and guess what? All the car drivers sat staring at me. Not one of them asked if I needed any help. I did so much shit like that when young and stupid. Part of learning I suppose but back then I was invincible?..... Still am though... Davie
  4. davie6711 replied to Grouch's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Hey Grouch, I just bought the flip front version from the same folks with the sun visor built in. It's mega mate! And it's great value too. It feels solid and well built. Cheers, Davie.
  5. Hi Airhead, It looks poss the way to go much as it shames me. If I want to try an nut and bolt redo I have a YPVS LCII that would be much better tine spent me thinks. Thanks as always, Davie. Any other comments/suggestions peeps?
  6. Hi Airhead, To be honest I canny tell. It looks like it might be a lump of araldite or something like that. If you look at the first pic posted this morning you can see a yellowish blob of summit. I've tried to even thread a bolt in a little way but it just won't start at all. I'm tempted to repeat the bodge as I like both the the time and mechanical savvy to do much else. It's quite a nice bike but won't be worth all that much I don't think but it does have an MOT til August. What do you think I should do? Spend so far: Cost of bike, £100 ish for the Motad system and £65 for a new rear tyre yet to be fitted. Kind Regards, Davie.
  7. Slice, You are great! Cheers. Davie
  8. Hey Slice, Thanks for that but `i don't have a set of helicoils and if you look or try to imagne where it is the frame is a twin tubular frame and it's awkward as fuck to get at. Meant to add that the distance between the lug for the horn and the thread is about 6 inches. A Worried Davie.
  9. Hey Blackhat, It's about the right era to be fair but when i used to hang about "doon the splash", The Esplanade, at 16 I had an MT-5 then at 17 a 125 Wet Dream and then the Holy Grail RD125 LC in the Blue!!!! The names are familiar but I would probably have known them either by a nickname or more likely by what bikes they were on. If the had bigger bikes wi no L plates they would've ignored us anyway! What did you ride then mate? Davie.
  10. Hi All, First a quick recap of what's happened so far..........as you can see i'm trying to fit a new 4-1 motad to my bike and have asked many questions and have received great advice in return. I mentioned before that I may have to drill out a broken stud, the top left on number 3 cylinder. I've been racking what's left of my pickled brain to remember how that particular stud came out and it's just come back to me! I'm going to put up a picture in a mo as I would like a vote whether to repeat the bodge that was there in the first place or try and do it right. You can see something in the place where the stud should go... If this photo has come out ok you'll see what I mean. The arrown on the left points to a threaded lug where the horn would fit. When I removed the exhaust there was a very long piece of threaded rod which went through this lug holding the horn on and then went all the way through the exhaust collar and into the head a little way with 10 mm nuts along the way. It went in at an odd angle. Vote: Do I repeat the bodged job or do it right? Over to you guys. Davie.
  11. davie6711 replied to jimmy's post in a topic in The Bar
    Jimmy, Wish my Dad had been like you. He defo looks pleased eh? Happy Birthday to yer boy an all that. Davie.
  12. Thanks Airhead, I love the style of the bikes from the 1980's. I remember years ago, I must've been about 16 and the first GPz1100 Unitrack appeared in the Greenock area and it looked amazing and the guy that owned was quite short so it looked really massive! I seem to have acquired quite a mix with the XJ750, GPz750 and the latest addition a CBX750. I've had the GPz for about 6 years but due to having nowhere to work on it it was in a mates damp garage miles away from where I lived until recently. I had done quite a bit of work to it prior to that. Just the usual tyres, battery, service stuff and other essentials like new brake pad and indicators. Now I have a place to work on it, there should be some progress. Mine is a G model GPz, the water cooled one but the link you kindly provided is for the earlier A series, the air cooled ones. You think they'll be the same? Stripping carbs is about the limit of my mechanical capabilities but i'll give it another go. I'll get them off on Wednesday and takes some photo's then. As always, thanks for your help!
  13. I've only put the pods on since rebuilding the carbs. I've not had her running in about 6 years. Today when i took the pics I had another go and it tried to start first turn but then the booster pack went flat. Bit of work and carbs out again..............................
  14. Hey All, Here's some photo's of my GPz 750.......... The last one shows the carbs in place but they will now need to come out. I've seen repair kits on ebay. Anyone used them?
  15. Cheers Guys, You're all right of course. It's just that it took soooo lonf to get the throttle cable back on I would've love someone to have said sumfin easy. Blackhat, thepipes are all kind of in the correct place as they've been there for so long they all kind of point where they need to go if you know what i mean.As far as I could tell the main fuel inlet pipe is fairly large, black and comes from the centre top of the carbs. There are various overflows again kind of fell in to place when i refitted them. I took them apart and used carb cleaner and compressed air to clean and blow through the jets etc. I used a heat gun on the carb to head rubbers and they went back on surprisingly easy. I'll take them off bring them home and take photo's in the next couple of days. Once again everyone thanks for the advice/info. Davie
  16. No takers on this one?
  17. davie6711 replied to seca-900's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi, If I can put my tuppence worth in I had the same dilemma recently. I have an XJ750 grey import from Japan and, because MOTAD were having a sale of new/old stock on eBay I took the chance. Not finished fitting it yet but it's ok so far. I also asked for advice earlier on this forum and the opinion was that 750/900 SHOULD be ok. Good Luck and welcome
  18. Cheers everyone! No it's not green is red and black. It is the same style as the GPz900 but is 750. A G model or water cooled version. I've been bodging/rebuilding this thing on and off for a few years now and after a sudden burst of enthusiasm I took the carbs home, took them apart and cleaned them in an OCD frenzy and fitted K&N type cone filters. Then enthusiasm faded as I acquired the XJ750 mentioned in other threads. Anyway, after trying to refit the carbs on and off for a month cos I couldn't get the accelerator cable to fit I finally managed it after turning the carbs the wrong way round. RESULT!!!! I quickly attached the rest of every thing like the fuel lines/tank/breathers and attached the booster pack....it tried to start and then fuel started pishing every where from the carb overflow pipe. Then the booster pack went flat. Just like my enthusiasm. I presume that the floats are now jammed and the whole lot will need to come apart. PLEASE no? One other thing, when i was cleaning the carbs I noticed one diaphragm had a slight split but I managed to catch the split and jammed it when I put the carb top back on. New diaphragm from Kawasaki £94 plus VAT!!! No thanks. Anyone have any comments? You can take the piss if you like as at least that might make me laugh
  19. Hi All, Before I go any further is it ok to ask a couple of general questions on this? Davie, (now hiding behind a door)!
  20. Hi Airhead, As luck would have it the rest of them are ok and it's only one of them on the 2nd from right. Looking back on this thread you'll see what came in the box from motad and what I managed to reclaim from the old system. The ones from the box are far too big and don't allow any room to see the threads. The seals I reclaimed for the old system looked to be perfect but on the third and 4th down pipe the collar/seal is to small to fit up the downpipe to the end so after trying to fit them it looks like i'm going to have to cut them a little bit to make them fit the down pipe. Sorry for the ramble but it was 4.30am when I started to write this. As usual all advice very gratefully received. Davie.
  21. Airhead, Was only teasing mate. You see the last photo? The 2nd port from the right. I think i'm going to have the hole for the bolt re threaded unless I can manage it myself next time i'm off. What exhaust issues you having then? Davie
  22. Hey Airhead, Thanks for that. Do I detect a slight hint of sarcasm? I've never had a new exhaust for a bike before and to me it's not as easy as it should be with wrong seals, stubborn bolts and various other issues which are entirely my doing to be fair! On the first photo, the next port along I can't get the new header bolt to start in the thread if you know what i mean. I tried a bolt with the same result. Any advice or suggestions? Sarcasm included! All the best, Davie.
  23. Hey all, Got off the hook for a couple of hours today so here's what happened....... Another angle....... I then ran out of time.....
  24. Hey Slice, Thanks for that. I tried the new ones both ways. If you put them in the "wrong" way round you can tighten it all up nicely but you can pull the headers in and out easily. I have new seals(gaskets)? already in place and I bought new header bolts which should arrive any day now. It's really frustrating as I only get one day off per week which is Thursday and, you guessed it, it's Valentines Day. I may be killed outright slowly and painfully if I go near the lock-up. Any good excuses out there please reply. So, I have the new pipe, gasket, old seals and new bolts coming. Anything else? Would you recommend exhaust paste as well? The guys use that stuff in work. All the best everyone.
  25. Hey, A little progress......I managed to track down the old system from a mate's scrap bin and recovered the old gasket/header collars or whatever they're called. Removed them and gave them a quick clean. Do you think these'll work folks?