Everything posted by davie6711
XJ750 Exhaust question and advice needed pleeeeease!
Hey Slice, Thanks for the advice. I jumped the gun a wee bit and ordered new studs from ebay. They're 8 mm at one end and 6mm at the other end. Why did I do this, no idea???? The more I look at what Motad have sent with the 4-1 the more it puzzles me cos even if the collar thingy's do fit I doubt they'd last longer than a couple of winters. I'm going to email them for advice because they must have had this situation before. I'll keep this thread up to date but i'm not off work again til Thursday. Thanks again all......
XJ750 Exhaust question and advice needed pleeeeease!
Hey Slice, Thanks for the reply. If I follow the instructions and put the narrow end against the new gasket and the bell end against the collar no matter how much you wiggle and push there is just no thread to catch. I agree I don't think cutting the collars is the answer. I did try it the wrong way round and yes that allows me to tighten everything up but the exhaust has free play of around one inch. Question: Can you just use threaded rod? Are there longer studs available freely? I'm pissed off with it now cos I get one day a week off and achieved nowt!
XJ750 Exhaust question and advice needed pleeeeease!
Hi Nayruf, No mate, not a silly question at all! The metal flanges that came with the exhaust, one for each header is pushed by the (collar??) so it needs to seat properly. The diameter of each end has to be correct. I saw a guy on youtube and he hammered the collar until he had sufficient thread to be able to tighten it up but i'm not to keen on that. Of course i've now chucked out the old exhaust about a week ago and trying to remember what that looked like. It didn't have these flanges but had some sort of sleeve that went right up to the end of each header pipe....
XJ750 Exhaust question and advice needed pleeeeease!
Hey Everybody, A wee bit of progress but, as usual, i've hit a couple of problems. As I mentioned on another post I managed to buy a brand new old stock Motad system. Whether it's actually designed specifically for my bike is questionable but it looks like it'll be ok. The problem is that if I follow the destructions I don't have enough or any thread to tighten the the downpipes onto the head. Here's a couple of pics.... These are the parts I have as well as the new exhaust This is the problem. Any suggestions?
Hi Everyone, Anyone see an ad on Gumtree for a free DT? He's says he had an accident and now wants it to go to a collector...... It's an 03 plate... Somethings a bit smelly methinks but you never know??? Type in Yamaha DT free to collector in Gumtree Birmingham and you'll see it. If it's legit and someone on here gets it but....
Engine Clean
Aaaaaawwwwww I wanted the funny hat with the lights on! Anyway I crapped out of doing this job today cos believe it or not, the sun was out in Scotland today! I picked up another bike today and drove it 30 miles home from up a mountain through ice, more ice then standing water with ice, without ice and then when I got lower there was loads of gravel then some mud. The chap I bought the bike from had just dropped his MINT FJ1200 but amazingly all he had was a slightly bent right foot peg
Engine Clean
Thanks for that life saving advice nayruf! I'll get some alloy wheel cleaner from the work then, that should be ok. Rub it in with a small wire brush thingy that looks like a tooth brush and rinse with brake cleaner?? That sound ok? I'm not looking for a perfect look or anything but just felt that as the downpipes were off then would be a good time to do this.I'll give it a quick spray with some black paint then fit my new pipes!! Canny wait. I'm picking up another project this afternoon which i'm quite excited about but as it's not a Yamaha i'd better keep quiet!
keep you bike locked up
HiMike 1949, Mmmm I wonder.....? I do have some sympathy for the police. The peal system IS underfunded but with the fashion for political correctness and the protection of offenders rights it seems that the original crime and consequently the victims are relegated almost into second place. How often do you see offenders being let off with a caution or community service for crimes which have left the victim(s) traumatised? A friend of mines son was sent to prison after his release he told me how nice his cell was and what courses he was offered whilst being inside......and as someone mentioned the cost of keeping people in prison is ridiculous! I thinks offenders rights are all wrong, yes someone should be viewed as innocent until proven guilty but once this had been proven I too would vote for an island. Prison is too soft and not a deterrent. I know I have a relatively simplistic viewpoint but what are the alternatives based on previous comments?
xj650 turbo
Hi Mate, Lucky guy, these things are fantastic lookers in my opinion. I am looking for a belly pan if you've got one going spare?
Engine Clean
Thanks for all the suggestions everyone. I was hoping the damp line was just the residue of the half gallon of WD40 that I sprayed on the headers prior to removing the old exhaust. My new Motad system arrived today!! Woo Hoo! I've never had a new exhaust for a bike before! I think i'll go with the cheap version suggested using various products available at work. Do you think paint thinners could be used as a substitute for paraffin? I have a litre of brake cleaner so I could use that as mentioned to remove whatever's left after cleaning. I just hope the bloody thing fits!
Engine Clean
Hi, I have just removed the exhaust headers and can from my XJ750 and while it's off i'd like to de-grease and paint the front of the engine. Any suggestions on the best way to do this? Obviously I would love to cover the whole thing with petrol or some other de-greasing fluid and stem clean it but this would obviously allow water in to the bores and damage them.
Drewpy, Look on ebay for them as a seller and ask the question. You never know..... To be honest i'm taking a bit of a gamble hoping that the pipes from an XJ750 will fit my import which looks like the turbo.
Hi Every One, I have to give a quick mention to Motad. They seem to be selling off a lot of their old new stock on ebay at the moment. Some of it appears to be really cheap. They had an 4-1 system for an XJ550 for £99 buy it now. I just got a 4-1 for my XJ750 for £129 delivered. I'm not trying to advertise for them but these are selling for less than second hand ones should anyone wish to take advantage.
- Bike sold
Fuel Injection
Cheers Foamy, The bike is currently running well on a set of carbs of unknown origin with K&N type cone filters albeit a bit rough as I mentioned before where the exhaust headers are not sealing at the head. The pipe is a bit knackered though. On another post one of the guys told me that a 4-1 from an XJ900 should fit ok as that's what had on his 750 Maxim I think it was. I was mainly wondering if there was any benefit to trying to get that lot working on the bike again but the general sense of opinion seems to be a big no! Thanks for the info mate as I was scratching my head. Davie.
Fuel Injection
This is what the bits look like!!!!!!!!
Fuel Injection
Hey All, The guy I bought my XJ750 from dropped of the fuel injection parts that came with the bike....i'll put up a photo later. From what I remember 80's fuel injection was shite so most people ended up binning it in favour of carbs which is the case on my bike. Do you think it would be worth while seeing if it works and changing it back? It looks like a set of carbs with leccy wiring and multi plugs with what I assume is the fuel pump..... Anyone have any experience with this kind of thing? All the best everyone
XJ750 Exhaust question and advice needed pleeeeease!
Hi Slice, Thats brilliant news mate. I have no problem with making brackets and things but I am terrified of old header bolts!!!! They give me nightmares. I will get on to flea bay at once!!!! Thanks again.
XJ750 Exhaust question and advice needed pleeeeease!
Hey, thanks for the quick reply. It possibly could be fixed as one of the downpipes is about rusted through but as it's not sealing well at the head it may not be the correct one anyway. I'm going to my lock up now to have a look
keep you bike locked up
This is a really difficult subject. I have to say that I agree with everyone here that it's ok to protect your own property with whatever force is "necessary". This being the key word. If I found someone trying to steal my bike I would react badly. Why not? I've worked hard for this? They haven't. Like others I sadly am not a fan of the police as it seems that motorists are an easy target because we are easy to trace via registrations etc and therefore are easy to fine. I live in a flat in the centre of Helensburgh and so far this year my wife has had a parking ticket and I have been fined £100 as I forgot to SORN a car even though it was taxed and MOT'd and off the road. Still this is the law but what an arse it is! Police justice is soft at best to offenders. There is a youtube vid earlier in this thread and if you listen to the end the guy caught breaking in to the guy's property was given a police caution and released!!! How is that going to deter him? Sadly, because of this soft attitude by police, I have agree that whatever force is necessary is appropriate and if violence is the necessary force then so be it! They deserve ALL they get. Ok rant over, i'm going to lie down in dark room.
XJ750 Exhaust question and advice needed pleeeeease!
[post=''] This is my grey import XJ750. i need a new exhaust. Do you think that one from any others in the XJ range would fit i.e. XJ550/600/650/750/900 would fit or could be made to fit? Sorry if i've asked this question before but i've been everywhere, even ebay USA! Does anyone have one for sale? Cheers everyone!
Spring Adventure on a 125
Aaaah feck! You know what I mean
Insurance tips
Meant to say that was for my 86 XJ750 grey import.
Insurance tips
It's funny how companies can blow hot and cold. I have 9 points on my license, am 45 years old and haven't insured a bike for about 5 years. £62........for the year! I was amazed
Foamy (music) I'm sure I've said this before
Just in from work, total waste of time as hardly spoke to a soul and freezin! I'm listening to the missus giving me a hard time cos I just poured a large amber nectar