Everything posted by old1eye
everyone's nationality
100F is only 37C!!!! in the alentajo (spain/portugal) it hit over 55C in the sun! 100F is the temprature everyday all year in darwin Australia, and that was fine! Stop drinking coffee and beer and move onto lots of water hahaha
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
90% of them must be American!
- Ink
everyone's nationality
I guess that's 100'F? here in Portugal it hits 48C on my farm in the shade in august lol (im English by the by)
- Mug Shots
XV 125 Start problem...please help
if you replaced the carbs, why did you put stuff from the old carbs into the new ones? surely if you had a problem with the old carbs and you bought new ones then you want to use the new ones as they are and not use anything from the old ones that didn't work?!
XV 125 Start problem...please help
you can try to rest the float level, there will be information on google for how to do that. as for compression testing, you realy need a testing kit to work it out properly. what colour are your spark plugs? white, black or tea brown?
XV 125 Start problem...please help
it might not be your carb side, could be crap compression from a leaking gasket, or your sparks to weak or ignitions going/gone.
- Shite one-liners!
whats your top 5 best songs ever?
The cure - Burn Sisters of mercy - Dominion Men at work - Down under Stone Sour - Come what ever may N.I.N - Reptile
- Dating!
Old1Eye came about in college as there was another ben in my group, I only have one eye (accident at 15) and I act like an old man so hence the nickname.
Heeeeeeeeeelp dt 50 aquasition.
That's the shit! Cheers Neo
What Bike would you buy if you won the lottery?
Honda msx, or shadow 750. I would love to build another chop from scratch, had fun doing my rebel, 125cc out to a 310cc all custom built https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_NIV2CBs1U
Made my eyes water
what was more disturbing was the fat belly being wobbled on the left top corner of the screen there.
Hi, newbie here, kate from glasgow
New member
Good Day to You.
- Dating!
- Dating!
Heeeeeeeeeelp dt 50 aquasition.
Ok thanks neo, aj Sutton doesn't have full top gasket set in there list, only top one. The Yamaha .com was just a sales thing from what I could tell. Most places don't seem to stock bits, or at least full gasket sets. Thanks for trying though. Appreciate it! ben
Heeeeeeeeeelp dt 50 aquasition.
the am6 cylinder is round, the yamy block is square so no don't think so. and neo, yes I have tried them. but again they don't quiet match and half the parts are silly money to get here. £30+ just for gaskets plus postage! not a chance!
XV 125 Start problem...please help
some bikes need choke, my dt50 wont start without choke even when its 48 degrees outside!
Foamys new toy! ^.^ (this time, it aint a bike... or a woman...)
My first car was a 1999 Honda prelude 2000 sport. Bought it for £900 and insurance was £3500 third party F&T I had been on the road for 4 years on bikes before as well but no insurance company would take it into account. Epic car though! When I was in Australia in 2009/2010 I had a ford falcon 5.7Ltr auto, and the insurance was $90 full comp lol
Heeeeeeeeeelp dt 50 aquasition.
Hi guys. I have a 1994 DT50 Lc , its Portuguese. The exhaust goes up on the left side of the bike, its drum front brake and Liquid cooled but not the AM6 engine. Every website I go on for parts doesn't think it exists! Its either air cooled or AM6! IT'S NOT! I have tried,: S.I.P. tuning PM tuning Wemoto PSN Tuning Scooter Attack Adrenalin BSM tuning Any suggestions? As I need to get new gaskets as my coolant blew through the barrel last week and the only place that knows what bike this is, is a company called C.Moto but I cant get hold of them and there is no online buying facility's. Many thanks Ben
new member
Just being courteous and saying hi. I am from England but currently in Portugal. Have been riding and building bikes since 2004 and have built a trike as well. Currently just have a Portuguese dt50lc ben