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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. keep up the good work Noise looks smokin
  2. Tommy xs

    Mod 1

    welldone mate!! Freedom
  3. Thank's everyone for your support, he's still doing well a bit fragile at the moment but I'm sure he'll get stronger everyday
  4. Thank's guys for your support, just nice to have somewhere to Vent sorry to hear about your dog Kev you hit the nail on the head there mate never thought I'd be so daft about a dog
  5. yes I know thats nearly a whole days pay!! F#ck I Wish
  6. My wife called me yesterday & said that Chunk our pet chocolate lab had all the symptoms of canine bloat she'd got him to the vets but it wasn't looking good she was sitting outside the surgery in tears waiting for the results of the xray bye the time i got there the Vet was coming out to speak to her, turned out it wasn't what she feared but wasn't much better, when they showed us the xray and pointed out what I assumed was his stomach was in fact a tumor about the size of a rugby ball they couldn't tell what organ it was until they operated best case scenario would be it was his spleen anything else they said it would be kinder not to wake him from the opp. We went in and spent about 20 mins with him waiting for him to go into the opp all the time thinking we might never see him again. We were told to go home wait for the call about an hour and a half they said, nearly 4 hours later phone rang, good new hes come through, it was his spleen the tumor weighed nearly 7 lb they said it all went well, still got to wait for test on tumor sample just hoping its Benign anyway we got to bring him home tonight amazing how resilient dogs can be, he was looking for food as soon as he got home hes settled down now, just sat here all night watching him sorry to bore you all with this but hes like one my kids, he means the world to me,sitting looking his empty bed last night was made worse as it was his 8th birthday yesterday. just hope the pet insurance pays out or I'll have to find £900
  7. yeah once was more than enough, that was really below the belt lallasro
  8. I'll have one of you Drew if they are for sale and there spelled right oh yes Hi & Welcome to YOC Eddie
  9. Sorry for the hijack Mathew, haha yes you should be pretty safe, Drewpy had a fantastic scotoiler on his flatracker managed to oil half of Manchester
  10. interesting fact I learn't a few days ago about LPG a plumber on site were I was working was saying how it heavier than air and doesn't mix with air, if you get a leak on say a boat for instance it build's up at the bottom and can't escape. He was saying he had just completed a coarse where the instructor told him you have to bail it out with a bucket he said you'll look a proper dick but that's how to do it, I thought this was a windup so I painted LPG on a bucket and gave it him as a present, to convince us he wasn't joking he filled the bucket up with LPG waited about 30 secs then threw a match in, wow it was still in there alright. don't think i'll be messing round with that stuff looks really dangerous to me, hope you know what your doing foamy wouldn't want you getting blown up before I get my T shirt.
  11. from what I've seen the bikes don't stop at the lights
  12. not good that means the f#cker knows were you live, trust me he'll be back do you have an alarm on it, if not I would get one
  13. really nice job Tommy, so are you now Tommy eleven bike's ?
  14. WTFWT mind the rider only weighed about three stone bit like you foam's hehehe
  15. Hi & Welcome to YOC, as other's have said very nice intro, Drewpy's the XSpert on here if he doesn't know its not worth knowing if you've got any questions post them in workshop lots of knowledgeable member's here all we ask is you join in and you've made a great start, oh yeah! post us a pic of your bike.
  16. Well been home washed all the horse shit off, managed to get that thing out of my butt!! man that thing hurt don't think I'll walk straight for a while, that's the last time I listen to Drewpy he said you had a sense of humour Nice one Kev, bet you had big smile on your face all the way home, hope the little c#nt didn't do any damage getting in.
  17. Noise your very Quiet how it going mate ?
  18. Nice tip Dirty one to remember should I ever need it
  19. Reincarnated BMW driver maybe ?
  20. bit of motivation for you foams! NOW GET ON WITH YOURS
  21. Hi & welcome to Yoc Lizzy your a spring chicken compared to a lot on here
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