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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. With threads like this you don't need mind bending drugs!! what a load of shite I need a f#ckin beer now!
  2. That Cain ah!! The little mother f#cker
  3. Well since he had the opp he's been in and out the vets three times and only spent 2 nights at home, but he's still hanging in there and hopefully we'll be able to bring him home tomorrow all going well, still a long way to go yet!! fingers crossed
  4. yes and If God didn't want us to eat animals why did he make them out of meat!!
  5. Tommy xs

    Oy Drewpy

    No this looks crap!! now that looks impressive
  6. Haha so much for German efficiency, Vorsprung durch technic!!
  7. Like your sig Noise it reminds me of a boss I had a few years ago he was a bit of a bully,with the new starters usually. tried it with me one day, he said I'm not happy with your performance! I said I'm not here to make you fucking Happy. needless to say I don't work there anymore
  8. No I'd definitely rather drive a Kia!! Edit A F#ckin Kia
  9. Hi & welcome to YOC, Siuza enjoy the forum
  10. Hey Foamy maybe you could start a new line in YOC chastity belts ? edit!! we could all chip in and lock one on Kev hehehe
  11. I agree with taking battery out first too, I woud just hold upside down & wipe with baby wipes,
  12. Don't be cruel Kev!! Damm I have to stop with the Elvis tracks
  13. Wow that's a lot of wonga for gaskets but you gotta have or all the oil pours out and your back to square one
  14. Have I the right was by the honeycombs not Elvis and I don't know who sang three in abed but pretty sure it wasn't the King
  15. Hi Mike welcome to YOC, so you've passed the first test bye not spitting your dummy out and becoming a one hit wonder well done to you, enjoy the forum mate! there a great bunch on here and lot of good info too.
  16. bippo will be so disappointed Kev you heart breaker, infact she'll most likely be all shook up , Andy make sure he love's you tender sorry for going on but now and then there's a fool such as I ps Kev you ain't nothin but a hound dog
  17. great pics Blackhat, I have never been that far north, looks like you got good weather, fantastic up there as the sun goes down
  18. knowing my luck I'd end on my back looking up at the sky
  19. He was asking for it, we see pricks like this every day on our road's, what you don't do is chase them and antagonize them. best to show a bit of restraint not to much of course. I like foamy's solution to these idiots which is to snap off a mirror but only if you can make a quick exit, not tried it myself but have been very tempted
  20. nice pic Kev like the name. really suite's him its comforting to know i'm not the only one who feels so much for their dog, my initial though when I thought I would loose him was the same as yours DT50, but I also know he will one day (fingers crossed long way in the future) leave a masive hole in my life and I guess I'll have to fill it with something.
  21. Cheers Paul I know it going to happen one day and when it his time I hope he goes just like that guess its something you just have to except as a pet owner, they just don't live long enough do they thanks bip
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