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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. Hi David is your bike fuel injection or carb!
  2. Hi Shaun best place to start is to say hi the new members sec, you'll get a much better response that way, this is the right place to ask questions though as you probably know eBay is best for second hand parts you can set up a search for parts for your bike model and get emails daily, saves a lot of time. Best of luck with your project you've got all winter now to get it ready for next year.
  3. Hi Rich I agree with you're theory either the coils, maybe hairline crack opening when warm or as you also hit on the ecu can have an intermittent fault as I've had in the past, you should be able to find on eBay, l assume you've already tried the easy stuff first like plug, leads, caps. I think the only way to test ecu is to try another if you can borrow one but I think its best to have a spare if possible anyway as the do tend to start breaking down around the thirty year old mark. With the coils you could try switching them over to see if she still dies on same cylinders.
  4. I think not, this man clearly wasn't lost and there's no mention of pies or pasties
  5. Nice Sunday out although I am supposed to be working.
  6. That car park has seen some shit! most of it yours foams and most of it still there rotting away I bet. When you going to finish a project then use the money from that to start the next! You know eBay & alcohol don't mix
  7. I said I would follow you till I seen a sign for M6 & you said there's one there opposite the car park, you also said you were turning right to go for petrol then turned left. Should have followed you though the m6 was a nightmare never got home till 16:50
  8. Hi Rob welcome to YOC, maybe try a new air filter also check for air leaks on carb inlet rubbers, petrol vacume pipe hasn't perrished. A new set of plugs wouldn't go a miss either.
  9. I see that was a bit to subtle, l will also give you the benefit of the doubt seeing as you, made the effort with two post so your not a one hit wonder then you'll find you get a much better response if you do an intro in the new members sec before you start asking questions. The answer to your last question though is no, but someone on here will know whether they tell will depend on your intro Welcome to yoc hope you stick around thats an interesting bike you have, I think the vision is a USA model over here it was just called the xz550
  10. Hi my name is tommy been a member of yoc for about three years, see how easy that is!!!
  11. No slice the 400 Maxim is a twin same as mine but with one less gear I think the frame is also pretty much the same except for the rear end where the rack fits I had a hell of a time finding a rack to fit mine I think it will be even harder to find one for this!
  12. He only popped out for a packet of woodbines Hi welcome to yoc
  13. Tommy xs

    Tit of a Man

    I think we've all been guilty of that at some point. I almost rear ended drewpy last year in Manchester but I blame the young lady at the bus stop! That'll teach me
  14. Paul where's the pic with you in on the beach ?
  15. All of my best rides are the ones were I got lost & found my way back
  16. Did you buy it drew or Photoshop it Its looks good
  17. Hey foams just noticed you've lost you're mod status when did that happen and why.
  18. yes it does meat, check out thread jurby in video sec.
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