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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. My guess would be to change the neutral switch and check out the clutch switch as they often fail, not got a clue as to why you would get the readings your getting thou, like Drew said try cleaning all connections
  2. Welcome to YOC Ste, make the most of the weather, lots of info on here for your bike
  3. not my taste the tank looks far to big and out of proportion to the rest of the bike, a different tank it could look really special but hey that's the thing about personalized bikes there personal.
  4. Started stashing some money away for the ferry
  5. So what your saying is one thing led to another and you ends up in a threesome! "Late night romp" A drewpy BMW sandwich
  6. Yes Jim that's a good point, was talking to some xjr owners while on holiday with Drew, they all agreed the 1200 is just as good & as you say a lot better value.
  7. Yeah Drew prices have leaped lately, still looking but not ready to buy yet.
  8. Tommy xs


    Very good Jim I intend doing some myself when I get the time, sounds daft but the weather has stopped me so far as its been so good I'd rather get out on the bike with any free time I have.
  9. Unfortunately the footage l took was too shakie to post, will have to look at another mount
  10. Thanks everyone you're words of kindness go a long way, its very raw right now but I hope in the future I'll be able to look back and remember all the good times we had.
  11. Well I knew its been coming for a few weeks now, my dog Chunk hasn't been well for a while, we got a ultrasound scan on his kidneys about three weeks ago but the results suggested they were ok, but his blood & urine tests confirmed some sort of kidney damage, we thought it was early stages and just a change of diet would do the trick. But he's been getting steadily worse, he stopped eating a couple of days ago and I knew it was time to end his suffering its the toughest decision I've ever had to make, my whole family are in bits, he was a brilliant dog and loved by all who knew him RIP Chunk.
  12. That looks a bit crude Jim, take it off he'll only use the power he needs, & it'll be saver for overtaking.
  13. so l take it the 47 doesn't include all the f#ckin one hit wonders on here then!
  14. Hi welcome to yoc, loads of mancs on here
  15. yes wish I could have made it but my boy chunk is in a really bad way at the moment, Mrs xs has been looking after him all week so it wouldn't have been an option to leave him with her today. Glad you had a good day, pics look great, will have to do it next year as I've never been.
  16. Really sorry for all who knew her, they really do leave a hole in your heart. I'm dreading the day I have to say goodbye to my boy. Take it easy out there today Kev, try and keep your mind on the road.
  17. I can't make it but have good day Drew
  18. Welcome Spooks, wow are you expecting a really cold winter, heated gloves & heated grips toastie
  19. I agree the legs on that bench are far to thin!
  20. Tommy xs

    Thick as shit

    Don't be so hard on yourself Grouch! That's our job
  21. What happened on the island stays on the island
  22. Sometime its the little things that make me laugh http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1QaNHh6shFw
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