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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. Have to agree john, I miss the old layout & the banter hopefully it will pick up as we all start to get out on our bikes again and have something to f#cken talk about other than gripe about the site
  2. Sad to say me too, getting fed up with all the changes with out any improvement I realize There is a lot goes on that needs fixing but the change always seem to give us less feature's and introduce more faults. There's been a lot less post lately, think a lot of members moving on , but hey it was good while it lasted
  3. Also easy to spot BMW & Audi drivers seem to account for around 90% of the people trying to kill you. Can't explain why, its just the way it is.
  4. Could just be the cold weather, set it 1100 that's not sticking a plaster on it. oh and clean the plugs or even pop in a new set.
  5. I seen a sign for Manchester airport and headed for that, I was home for 1:40 so didn't get too lost In all a good day, great to see Drew & Paul again & to meet Farrel. Drew I'll send you pm just to see if its working there nothing new on mine from you.
  6. Truffles is a she Sorry to hear that John, I couldn't wait that long but l'm guessing its not that long a wait for you haha.
  7. Hi introducing Truffles, (New Member) Just couldn't last any longer without a chocolate lab in my life, still missing Chunk (rip) but she is a hell of a distraction and has managed to fill a tiny part of the whole he left in my life.
  8. At the risk of sounding like Kev, the weather looks shit tomorrow I'm out
  9. You'll be alright jimmy! he needs to keep you sweet to keep his bike on the road
  10. still not done one of these yet, keep meaning too every year but something always seem to get in the way, it does look like fun and for a good course. hopefully this year fingers crossed.
  11. hey Rev just post em anywhere, you can't get more random than that!
  12. Hi Steve that bike looks familiar do you think it could out run a Ferrari ha ha
  13. Am I missing something here Mike I thought you just did! reply I mean. I have difficulty in quoting in any thread but only from my tablet.
  14. I've never rode an e-bike let alone a Harley. I think it would be fun for about 5 mins then I think I'd. Get bored with no gear change and no clutch and as mentioned already no sound, also until all our power can be generated from clean renewable energy I don't think you can call them green so what's the point of riding with zero emissions if the power station down the road is spewing clouds of toxins to charge it and as said already the power and resorsers it needs to produce the battery in the first place. And as Slice said the range and charge time still make the e-bike impractical. Maybe as Ttasky said the duel power as seen in many new hybred cars and also now F1 would be the way to go.
  15. Get your holiday request in Drew, so we can work out some dates.
  16. Hi Lha & welcome to YOC, good luck with your project
  17. Tommy xs

    Moto GP

    yes well aware and the has to be a space to go into not just barge into another rider if there isn't one. Marquez is a danger to himself and anyone else who's unlucky enough to be on the same part of the track as him lets face it its not the first time. I also think both riders were riding like idiots prior to the incident but it was six of one and half a dozen of the other, suppose you have to be a bit mad to do what these guys do call it what you want! red mist whatever but if someone starts leaning in on me and makes contact mid corner I'd do what Rossi did, it instinctive reaction.and if he hadn't would most likely been off himself. Also as you say if some is riding past you and you have your brakes on then you stick out your knee!!! then you loose a leg I don't care how thick the red mist is Rossi isn't that thick.
  18. Tommy xs

    Moto GP

    The head definitly makes contact before Rossi reacts all Rossi's was guilty of was holding Marquez up by commanding the racing line I can't see what he did rong it certainly wasn't dangerous if he was breaking Marquez could have easily gone round him without contact.
  19. It is tought one Drew but she's probably better off without him, don't do anything stupid though! He knows you. Let me sort him out and can do the bellend that my daughter is engaged to I'm only joking obviously!!
  20. wot you on about john you ride around on that shitty little 2stroke when you have a new triumph at home!
  21. Sooner you do it the better Grouchie they keep making it harder to pass and if they ever decide add say puncture repair to it your screwed!
  22. That's no way for a man of the cloth to behave! Haha
  23. Hi & welcome to YOC, l would take spark plug out, pour small amount of oil in cylinder & kick it over a few times without the plug in.
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