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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. Tommy xs


    hey welshwan! I bet your considering a name change now hahaha
  2. Tommy xs


    down to personal choice really, only advise would not get on the face neck or hands to me that's like disfigurement, some people really love them like WESLEY
  3. sorry DT50 I was just going from memory an it obviously ain't that good, got the name right though! its the hat that threw me haha!!
  4. have a great time Paul hope the weather's good
  5. have a good holiday Jim you don't need a shed sitter for a few weeks do you, I won't charge if the beer fridge is well stocked!!
  6. I like two sheds or Ian 2sheds I know just what you mean Ian, I'm sort of in the same boat but I think i'll stick with mine now as people just get used to it and it doesn't really matter anyway for me as I only used my first name think I would change if it was my surname as well.
  7. we do have a few regulars from the states sacha, dt502001, the're are more but can't think of names off top of my head i regularly see new member from the states in new member area but i guess they don't stick around long enough to meet each other probably get board listening to all us brits moaning about the weather.
  8. yes I know I'm guilty of over doing the banter when it comes to the Grouch sometimes I just can't help myself, but it is only banter and i wouldn't do it if I didn't like the guy, a lot of it is just to get him to pull his finger out, anyway he's not been online for 10 days and I was wondering if anyone on here new him or had contact details to see he's alright ? I know he's a very popular member and I always enjoy reading his threads and the forums aren't the same without him come back Grouch yer dumb fuck see just can't help myself
  9. another good point is add a couple of pence on the end of your bid, that way if someone else bids same around same time as you, you win!!
  10. its something everyone does impossible not to
  11. mmmmmmmm tricky one this Ian I'm a bit of a cynic and like you prefer to wait till the dying seconds I usually go around the 8 second mark and put in the max you would pay then if you get it cheaper, bonus!! if you don't get it, it was too expensive anyway
  12. cheers Ian, yes I do, but I do still look at other ...........bikes!!
  13. hey drewps reckon even I could have found one of those at Stafford.
  14. expensive with the postage though Drew! I thought you would be able to pick one up from a local motorbike dealer/shop
  15. i agree foams needs a bit of work! i just copied & paste whole thing from cursed xt thread, been trying to get a reaction out of him but it's not worked YET!!
  17. I don't need to make a decision I have a wife for that, if was down to me I'd have 8+ bikes in the garage that I never rode and probably to skint to ride even one of them.
  18. I can see how its looks faster on the clip, but its still a collision waiting to happen, glad to hear its not normal for you to ride like that John. I know its a buzz, probably did similar when i was younger but choose to forget how crazy I was. safe riding John, enjoy the summer on your bike, not in a hospital bed
  19. cxamx is that you john! just looked at one of your other clips on youtube slightly (faster filtering) your F#ckin crazy!! you won't be with us long riding like that! talk about smidsy's, on that clip your expecting them to have eyes in the back of their heads one lane dodger there and you where toast.
  20. look forward to seeing some pics when you get her Ike!
  21. Good luck with your latest venture foam's but don't forget the fucr project, looking forward to seeing it at squires
  22. there's a projects forum scroll down its near the bottom
  23. must have been tempted to call yourself B-Ike
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