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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. whoops sorry forgot to say Hi & Welcome Warren (how rude)
  2. Tommy xs

    One happy clam

    look like you've been jogging with that helmet on
  3. once you've bid your tied in unless the post is misleading, when I first went on ebay I bid on what I thought was a camera, then I realized it was just a manual, I put a complaint in to ebay and they cancelled the listing. I was lucky cos I had bid £90 sometime's if you contact the seller you can ask them to cancel a bid I think.
  4. pisses you off that sort of thing! had it recently when ordered paint from amazon, it said it was free postage so I stupidly pressed the buy it with one click, charged me £14 delivery as it was several cans and even though they sent them all in one box they charged individual postage for each, anyway they arrived very quickly, next day actually but no was home so the driver threw them over the gate at the side of my house, manged to damage 4 out of 6 cans, amazon were very good they sent their courier out to pick them up and I had to reorder the lot again this I didn't use the buy with one click and saved myself £14
  5. Tommy xs

    One happy clam

    sound's good to me bipp i'll pm drew see if he's up for a rideout and if he knows of any meets
  6. shame but still a bargain!! I guess the guy you bought it from would have known it would have been worth a lot more if it had matching numbers.
  7. Hi & welcome to YOC! good luck with the CBT
  8. stay away from the ebay when you get the thinking juice topped up
  9. I'm concerned! Grouch hasn't been online for over two weeks now, Iv'e just looked on ebay from when he had his bike on there and he hasn't bought or sold anything since the end of may. I hope he hasn't done anything stupid like bought a Honda. No seriously I am really starting to worry about him, has no one on here ever contacted him off site or knows if he's alright ?
  10. you won't be able to hold the spanners hi & Welcome max, sounds like you should start a thread in projects forum
  11. sorry to hear you've not solved the yoke problem foams, going to be tricky finding some to fit I think
  12. Tommy xs

    One happy clam

    not all Drewps, some won't go out if its spitting! glad to hear your enjoying your bike so much Bipps, think the weather's forecast good for the weekend, are there any bike event's on within a decent range we could all meet up, cept for airhead he's on his hols
  13. forever the optimist eh Kev
  14. my company say that unless you will never carry a pillion then you must have it, if the police stop you with a pillion and your not covered then your not insured.don't think they would seize the bike but your pillion would have to walk home
  15. foamy pays more than that just for the alcohol!! although he does recycle the cardboard packs into lovely cardboard tanks whoops sorry I mean tail peaces.
  16. grouch! just sign in and let us know your alright.
  17. think all you have to do is turn up foam's
  18. Tommy xs

    Tennis elbow

    good luck with the new setup, don't overdo it!
  19. 1878 wow that is old, personal choice but I think that's the best colour
  20. two wheels and motor there will be interest & most welcome, bye on here you do mean the projects forum right?
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