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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. not really sure it was leeds now!! didn't know were the f#ck I was could have been Wakefield , all I know is I was 9 miles from squire's and it was a built up area
  2. Hi Zum, Ttasky's right do an intro, you may feel your hard done bye as you have posted in the correct forum but it is considered rude not to introduce yourself first! best of luck with the bike & enjoy the forum Remember the more you put in the more you get out
  3. yeah well I must have had a grouch curse coming I guess, probably well overdue
  4. don't feel bad bipps not your fault & i still enjoyed it, I got to where I was going and got home safely didn't learn much though still wouldn't be any the wiser if i went tomorrow, think I'll try a good old fashioned map next time hahaha
  5. HI jso I own a 82 xs400, which would be a secca 400 to you, this is mechanically speaking the same bike as yours as dt50 said start a thread in workshop and I'll share what bit of knowledge I have. Welcome to yoc and good luck with the bike ps you may get a Manuel on disk on ebay for a friction of the cost this is for my bike but mechanically same as yours http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/YAMAHA-XS400-1982-Workshop-Service-Manual-/130940963641?pt=UK_CarParts_Vehicles_Manuals_Litterature_ET&hash=item1e7cb08b39
  6. well I got there in the end but only took 2 pics before I dropped my camera
  7. probably cos' I couldn't see my satnav LOL
  8. oh and to cap it all I dropped my camera!! but I needed a new one anyway
  9. Tommy xs


    why are you posting in here at that time you were supposed to be at Squire's
  10. Well I've had an interesting day, first time I've tried to use my satnav on the bike on a sunny day! total disaster couldn't see a thing my hay-fever didn't help my eyes were streeming & like slits by the time i got home my wife thought Id'd been crying co's my bike broke which it did, but know I didn't, the bolt that holds the clutch lever in had lost its nut and worked itself out in Leeds luckily it had caught between the cable & the fork so was an easy fix once i'd found it. paul phoned me at 10:45 am to say they were heading out on rideout and I was still 9 miles from squires so said I d see them later. finally got there about 11:10 am, I hung around for about an hour, then had a ride into Selby , got back to squire around 240pm as I thought the lads would be back around 3pm waited till about 3:40 pm no sign so headed home all in a good day out OH YES & Bippo stood me up haha
  11. lovely jubly you plonka!!!
  12. personally I liked it pre tail tidy especially with that rack which now just seems to hang out a bit to far at the back
  13. No Kev you just don't like being called nice!! ...........""I'm Bad""
  14. wouldn't risk it myself the important thing is you make it, & you have a choice of bike
  15. this is going to be a cracking weekend, wish i'd planned it earlier and was camping, oh well I'll have to wait till September for that and pray for an Indian summer
  16. OK drew think its a few weeks away anyway
  17. the Hazy description isn't the problem! if you had taken the time to do an intro in the new members forum, you would probably have your answer by now. If your unsure what to write have a look at other posts in there "hi my name is Rob, I'm from Ireland" would be a good start, its considered a bite rude not to, good luck with the bike what ever it is. enjoy the forum & remember the more you put in the more you get out oh yer probably maxim or seca sounds like its been moded
  18. i'll try take some pics at squires, but need a new camera really
  19. I'm with CT I quite like the look of that first jacket, I think it will grow on you
  20. post us a pic of you in that jacket Ian, we could do with a laugh
  21. is it Chinese! the bike I mean
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