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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. Well done Kev! Cool head always the better option
  2. I thought your run was on the 19th sept already made an ass out of this co's the date is wrong & it was you who posted the mankini pic sort the date out foams & good luck
  3. Tommy xs

    Run Foamy run.

    personally I think the Mankini Idea is a big NO NO!! but I'm sure the ladies would pay double to see that, what about a special edition Mild Foamy YOC T-Shirt in say Pink so we can spot you
  4. look's a bit like a sex toy!! not inferring anything just saying, LOOKS LIKE A SEX TOY BIPPO!
  5. Tommy xs

    YOC patch

    Cheers Drew pick up at squires
  6. So far as I can tell its Airhead, drewpy, up.yours, DirtyDT?, CarlMT, Andrew Elvis fan, Mild Foamy, Lallasro, Cynic, Bippo ?, & Me The Dirty dozen Sorry if I missed anyone! please add your name below or pm me and I'll edit the list
  7. Tommy xs

    YOC patch

    Drew have you saved me one ?
  8. Hi Tom, welcome to YOC! the're are threads on here to help with uploading pics search photobucket its a fidley at first but easy once you work it out or try this then scroll down to carl mt post
  9. Tommy xs

    Fz600 Gulf

    with the upgrade of the pin maybe you'll need upgraded plates Cos some have 7 and some have 8 I think ? don't really know what the f#ck i'm talkin about do I
  10. Tommy xs

    Run Foamy run.

    WTF IGOWT hows the training going foams, havn't heard any news lately?
  11. clear your diaries, not long now guys & girls it's gonna' be a good one, hope you all can make it remember what they say about all work and no play "come on everyone you've still got time to arrange this, its going to be brilliant!! get on your bike and ride"
  12. Andy you don't need any mate!
  13. HI & welcome to yoc, Alex
  14. same for me but at moment he's restricted to the end of our close and back. must admit I miss the exercise nearly as much as him, can't wait to get him fit enough for the park again as he's missing all his friends
  15. well he's home again this time much more like his old self, almost like he hadn't been away
  16. I remember when I had a six pack! Now it just looks like a party barrel
  17. Homo erectus !! sounds familiar ........... oh yes I remember.................FOAMY
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