Chunk started to loose control of his back legs yesterday we got him to the vets, turns out he's been over prescribed drugs
they where using his pre opp weight as a measurement but he'dd lost nearly 10kg since then anyway they said it would sort its self out in about 3 days to get it out of his system so we took him home and he was fine for a few hours then he started going really strange like his eyes were all over the place his body was totally ridged he was shaking all over we had to call the vet out we spent nearly 2 hours getting his temp down to normal after he started having seizures the vet sedated him and he's woke up this morning
had something to eat & been in garden to do his stuff, still very unsteady on his feet and whimpering a bit but a lot better than last night
I've taken the day off to keep an eye on him just hope he's over the worste of it now its looking like I'll have to miss Squire's I was really looking forward to it but can't leave my boy in this state, I'll see how he is nearer the weekend.