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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. not at the same time Slice! but its on my bucket list
  2. think this would work, but wouldn't fancy wearing one in the rain!! buzz buzz
  3. I have to much respect for my Wife, my kitchen & my bike not necessarily in that order
  4. saw this & thought of you http://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/e11021.m2368.l3160/7?euid=f6d1ffd72eef490685429ec7de4aa946&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fitm%2FQuick-release-Fuel-Line-Coupler-8mm-Race-Track-Bike%2F200791373967%3F_trksid%3Dp11021.m2364%26_trkparms%3Daid%253D555003%2526algo%253DPW.CAT%2526ao%253D2%2526asc%253D216%2526meid%253D2972853525256794309%2526pid%253D100084%2526prg%253D1115%2526rk%253D2%2526rkt%253D8%2526sd%253D231103713136%2526%26ssPageName%3DADME%3AB%3ASS%3AGB%3A3160&exe=10018&ext=100037sojTags=exe=exe,ext=ext
  5. Tommy xs


    still trying Drew!! you've only got 4 days left
  6. What could car drivers do better to make the roads safer for motorcyclists? they could ride motorcycles Where do you get riding tips from, other riders, forums, government advertising? watch & learn every day from just about everywhere List 5 words which would describe how you think car drivers see you? nuisance, lowlife, roadkill, dangerous, Idiot. How would you like them to see you? same as any other road user What’s the best part about riding? not being in a car What’s the best part of the riding community? for me its humour! no matter how shit things can get on or off the rd humour always shine's through If you could tell drivers 1 thing, what would it be? when you look give your brain a chance to register what you've seen.
  7. Tommy xs


    well it is for a good cause, not much I know but I split it between you and Drew still not seen this years tash Drew what's going on ?
  8. Tommy xs

    am back...

    also Grouch is back and drewpy's changed his name to Mandy
  9. Welcome to YOC! may the force be with you
  10. Tommy xs

    Well done her

    Look's like you have a goatie on your avatar pic Andy
  11. Tommy xs

    Well done her

    How did I miss this! must be nice to have a wife with brains, congrats to both of you mrs xs will kill me if she see's this ps how's the Hand ?
  12. not sure about the turkey foil theory but by polishing it you reduce the surface area, but doubt it would be anything like 30% there quite smooth when new. I think if you polish it but not to mirror finish would be best option as paint will act like a layer of insulation a dremmel or similar is ideal to do it with and a hell of a lot quicker
  13. Will do, thanks everyone
  14. Hi Crystal & Welcome to Yoc, Lot's of info on your bike on here! enjoy the forums
  15. i'll do it drew, do you have to sign up or just turn up
  16. really good write up on the suzi ttask
  17. poor foamy let me guess, she was mental right!!
  18. also check the route of your cable and that its not snagging when turning the handlebars
  19. I like you nuts!! I did all mine a while ago but all back to the weathered look now, need to get them zinc plated really you can do it yourself, look on youtube keep up the good work Laura as DT 50 said your putting the lads to shame
  20. the're this dickhead at work! lets me route through his bag when he's not looking but I know he knows its me but he doesn't say anything ?
  21. Hi Max, & Welcome to YOC lots of Scots here enjoy the forums
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