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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. how do you do that, would make a slightly smaller panel of say wood then heat the plastic over it ?
  2. Look's really good that! the one thing that really date's the look of the FZ is the width of the panel below the seat never liked that look even when they were new. You've done a real nice job! personally I could live with it as it is, just as you say paint the underbelly of seat black, if you put strips on would look better from a distance but up close they would have to be a really good fit to look good, you could try cutting you old side panels but I think that would be a waste. maybe find something nearer to that size from another bike and mod them ?
  3. I'll have to borrow your pedals to keep up but sound good to me, a good chance to meet more Y.O.C.M's
  4. I really like squires it would be hard to find another place that offers the same for less and the atmosphere is great I think anywhere we could get as many members as last year would be a fantastic weekend and if squires does go tits up I'm up for suggestion's maybe a yoc weekend in wale's! its not to far north or south.
  5. must be a reason for it to rattle try fitting a new cap a lot easier & cheaper than the whole tank!
  6. if you could mass produce them, you could sell them to the council's for deicing the roads!!
  7. Tried to watch it but James May's waffle put me off
  8. like the vid, reminds me of the inbetweeners
  9. Well you've still saved overall Grouch, St Helen's isn't far from me but wouldn't want to spend the day there waiting for my bike, although its not a bad ride if you can get a time slot for the service from where you bought it might not be such a bad day you have to take into account if you would have to take time off work for it and fuel cost can't expect your local dealer to do it for free when you went elsewhere to buy your bike, Lesson learned next play the dealers off each other and try to buy local I'm sure they could have at least matched the price if you had give them the chance.
  10. if you can't loosen it with your socket set, a torque wrench won't help If I were you I'd get the shop to fit em, think maybe you should keep the xt to practice on!! is it a 1/2 inch drive socket set you have ?
  11. oh yes I remember that thread hilarious! won't be trying that on alloy rims, I was looking on youtube last night & saw a few clips of people using cable ties and as my tyre levers still haven't turned up i thought I would give it a go, it was lot of messing about trying to feed them though cos' all the clips on youtube were done on tubeless tyres, anyway it actually works & with no tools so far only got rear tyre off. apparently you can use same method to fit as well but don't think it will work on tubed tyres for fitting & don't fancy deforming my new tyres before I even fit them.
  12. OK I managed to get exhaust off after a battle with an awkward stud & removed the back wheel & give underside another clean I'll be back out there again in a bit. got the tyre's today,I think I should have gone for wider' well I'll know better next time, these will have to do for now. I'm still waiting for tyre levers to arrive, hopefully they'll be here tomorrow still got plenty to get on with anyway. still have to remove the carbs for cleaning will do that in the morning while mrs xs is in work as just removing them fills the house full of fumes as my garage is attached to the house
  13. Decisions decisions! the Yama Gods have spoken, but which is best!
  14. Am I missing something Here ? WHERE!!! IS IT
  15. Glad to see you've been busy, thought when you went quiet something was up! lookin good!! so you'll have it ready for spring then ?
  16. Tommy xs

    Back to work

    aah Noise, you have one of those bespoke kitchens!!
  17. Tommy xs

    Back to work

    I'm still off! no work to go to yet, but it give's me quality time at home as mrs xs is back at work today hahaha might even boil my carb's while she's out.
  18. Tommy xs


    thanks Merv just saved it to favorite's will have look tomorrow
  19. That's typical just shift the blame on someone else, poor ruski's get the blame for everything from flying saucers to radioactive lambs.
  20. Tommy xs


    may well have been you who told me about them Drew, I can't remember how I first found that site!
  21. are you the master of suspense or what
  22. Was thinking along same lines about paint & diesel once I'd thought about it, don't think it'll work, now 2t oil that might be the answer just maybe have to swap exhaust for MOT test still wondering about what john said about diesel and which is best
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