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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. So as you may have seen in other treads my bike is poorly, I'm not completely sure why this happened my guess is fuel tap needs a repair kit, don't know what other damage its done, hopefully I'll just change oil & filter and sort out the fuel tap and see how it goes, anyone got any Idea's what else would have caused this. I did recently clean out my carbs, but double checked everything, also did an oil change not long ago
  2. I'll get it sorted next week when I get back, worst comes to worst I have two spare motor's I'm sure I can fix it.
  3. cheers Jim I'll call you over the weekend
  4. I had a black one with i bubble visor
  5. Chester is only 20 mins from me Welshy we could do horse shoe pass sometime but I need to get my bike sorted first though. Shaun & Drew might be up for it too
  6. Thanks boy's I'll get some pics, see you when I get back.
  7. Off to Scotland tomorrow but! Went & filled up my bike today ready for my trip tomorrow and she started acting up, so managed to get home about 5 mins away and she cut out, after trying everything I could think it might be, I decided to check the oil. Not good oil really thin and about 2 litre's to much look's like petrol in the oil so can't risk it. I haven't got time to do anything with it so I am now having to go in my van. I'm Gutted was really looking forward to this trip
  8. why wait 2 months for ground works its a shed not a block of fats, you should organize a YOC BBQ in march and we'll come & sort your Flags for sausage's
  9. yes I'll copy my plastic if I need to send it off also still have copy of my old licence
  10. just hope there's no snow I remember the first time I saw snow poles lining the road up there, I didn't have a clue what they were cos' it was summer I asked one of the locals and they told me its so you know where road is when it snows, I thought some thieving scouser had nicked the street lamps
  11. oh well foams you might not have defend Scotland much longer
  12. yes Jim I wish I knew that before I demolished my house over the weekend. Im now doing the 2 day course so wont be traveling home till sunday, is it still ok to drop in ?
  13. Still not found it, so I called Clive to tell him the bad news, he doesn't think it will be a problem, I just need to call DVLA and get them to send me confirmation by email or fax that I have an up to date licence and even if they won't he said to just bring the DVLA phone number and he'll speak to them when i Get there, so all's good I'm ready to go. Wahoooooooooooooooooo
  14. Well I've run out of place's to look, looks like I'm fooked going to give Clive at Motoscotland a call in the morning but don't hold out much hope, It say's on the website I need both parts of my licence and friday is the last day I was allowed to go (terms of competition) I'll see if he'll let another YOC member go in my place, if anyone is interested PM me, Ive also booked one night at the Argyll hotel in Inveraray can still cancel that for free till tomorrow though,was planning to visit my sister in Oban for the second night but that's not on offer to any of you lot.
  15. Ha ha Its the only thing I have that's clean John oops hope mrs XS doesn't see this
  16. thanks for the link, think it would have worked except my passport is more than five year's old so can't do it that way
  17. I've looked everywhere, I'll put my wife on it see if she can find it
  18. I've been tearing my house apart for the last 4 hours looking for my driving licence counterpart but no luck yet, I need it by next Thursday so not much chance of getting a copy by then so I'll just have to think of where I hid last, worst idea ever to have your licence in two half's neither is of little use on its own anyway
  19. Tommy xs


    The Evertonian's hate that term. We're known as Scouser's you dumb Scotch-man
  20. Tommy xs

    XJ600 Project

    Hope you don't shower at work
  21. me niether but I 'm in cheshire shaun if you fancy a ride out, I'm away next weekend though.
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