Had a really good day out, the tour is free they just ask you make a donation of a tenner to their chosen charity
Would recommend it to anyone interested in bikes really, I can't think of better way to donate money to a good cause and any excuse to get out on the bike is a good one in my book, first rideout of the year for me, my bike needs the carbs cleaning as she wouldn't hold a tick over all day also needs a good wash after me and Drew had to take a small but very muddy detour around what we think was a tree blocking the road in the wake of storm Dorothy. It great to meet with the southern softies who went by car ha ha, its the same lads me and Drew have been to IOM with the last two years and the banter never ends with them from the minute we meet its always a good laugh or as they say a good laarf. I'll try post some pics later having probs with photobox and most of my pic look the same as Drew's anyway.