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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. hey was that you bippo
  2. sorry to hear that lallasro better luck next time
  3. well done bippo you kept that quiet and I was right it looks much better
  4. cool vid welshy might have one myself next week all going well.
  5. hi & welcome to yoc kipra
  6. Iv'e already voted the trouble is my head say's foamy, but I just want grouch to get stuck in and win this!! come on Grouch we all know you can do it just get it done you've got more help than I ever had. and not only will you have your bike back on the road but you'll be a winner!! & poor foamy will be a looser before he even starts
  7. a few pics might help grouch!!
  8. received mine today bargain at £3.59 with free p&p thank's again clarky
  9. that's a nice bike you have there anyway bip & will look even better without the L plate's anyway back to how many miles I don't get the chance to ride to work as I'm self employed and I need a van for my work so only get to use it at weekend's normally so my miles are lower than i would like maybe about 3 k mind it was lower last year co's I fell off a ladder at work which put me on my back for 9 weeks sorry bip I know iv'e already told you but in my defense I am gettin old.
  10. keep an eye on that mileage bippo for when you trade up
  11. ha ha got your priority's right mate
  12. i'm no ebay expert but I think foamy's had a few dealing's on there! he said on another thread, that you pay you're fee in your case £18 odd but you also pay 10% of selling price so that'll be another £60 on top or have you informed them the sale did not go through ?
  13. and you've never wondered why?
  14. I'm away this weekend but any weekend after that I'm up for it mate, but like foamy say's it's got to be a bacon bap
  15. must admit grouch I thought she'd gone when I saw the auction go to the finish, will you have to pay ebay co's to them it was sold? some poor bugger must have been well pissed off when he/she thought they'd won it and you didn't sell? mind they've probably had a lucky escape ha ha only joking mate, good luck with it, my money's on you finishing it before foamy does his run!
  16. sorry I forgot co's my was crying to go for his walk
  17. I think it'll be close but i'll have a fiver on the grouch, I think he'll surprise us all
  18. new member forum tiff
  19. don't count yer chickens foam's squire's is still a while away
  20. I must admit I do like the pre diversion models better! but for that kind of money I'd be looking at fazer's 'some nice example's on ebay
  21. sound great but a lot of money for age, I would have a good look around see what else is available in that price range, compare all your option's don't rush in, if this is the bike for you do more research on price's it will put you in a better position to haggle on price also things like fsh, previous mot's, receipt's for work done, how many previous owner's, not mentioned in add.
  22. what the foamy cave! I thought that offer was for me haha
  23. Tommy xs

    Tennis elbow..

    good luck at the doc's today Cynic
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